My wife was forced to take COVID "vaccine".


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Now she has an unexplainable (no underlying disease or cancer or family history) auto immune issue. She has had her first infusion(like chemo) treatment. So far a lot of savings used and Biden has put protections in place to prevent lawsuits against vac companies. An infectious disease doc did say there have been other people who are dealing with same side effects, just rare?
This is a common story of vaccinated people… especially women…in my experience. We moved out of California partly due to fact that we were threatened with losing jobs or insurance coverage etc if we didn’t get vaccinated…we gave the middle finger and went to Texas. I knew it would all die down after we left but I was fed up. I will say I do not dismiss covid because we had a LOT of people close to us pass away but a lot of the ones that ran out and got vaxxed, either by choice or not, developed crazy illnesses… mostly women, some are/were close friends and some are/were family members… so I know it is no coincidence.
Hope your wife gets well!
My hunting buddy's daughter had a choice, get vaxed or lose her job, she couldn't afford to lose her job so she got vaxed, she now needs to be on some type of medication for the rest of her life, I think he said it's an antibiotic medication, so it could also have something to do with her immune system being compromised.
Another woman who is apparently dealing with side effects from the vaccine, probably there are a lot more that we will ever hear about.
Wishing the best for your wife also!
I never took the jab, I have been in direct contact with people who had it. Never had it.

My grandpa was in a nursing home in 2020 and caught it, I raised hell until I was allowed to go in and see him before he passed. 'My girlfriend had it, I slept next to her the whole time. My daughters had it and I stayed home while they quarantined. All my loved ones that have caught it I - told them I'll get it too, yet I feel like I am just asymptomatic.

My grandpa never fully recovered and passed in 2021 at the age of 100.

It is just strange how it effects some and others its like water on duck feathers.
me, my brother and two others we know have ascending aortic aneurysms. all in the same place, same size. only thing we have in common is the covid vaccine.

coincidence ??
I didn't have to vac, so I didn't. I have a BS in biology. Wife's choice was jab or lose job. We hope this type of chemo will allow her body to "reset". When I saw these new vac types replicate in the spleen it was very troubling. One can only guess what side effects/health problems these shots will cause in the future as people age. Especially when you see that Obama/Fauci funneled money to China through an Eco company that pushes " the world is over populated theory " and the world population must be reduced to 1970's level in order for Earth to survive.
Prayers for your wife. My wife and I have been in healthcare for years and were told we would need to take the experimental gene therapy or face termination. We both refused, at our respective employers, submitted exemptions and fortunately kept working through the plandemic.

Sadly, we both have co workers who complied and today are dealing with their own health issues that seem to be related.