My “bait” lol

I honestly don’t know which color they’re supposed to be. We have whiteish, black, blackish, charcoal, and I’ve even seen a couple blonde colored ones.
There’s some managers that swear they steal quail eggs and will shoot them on sight!
So this spot is my “hog” spot. Right now we don’t have ANY hogs on the property, they tend to be nomadic in nature. We know they’re about 2 miles away because that plantation is hunting, trapping, and running them with dogs trying to kill as many as possible.
We’ve recently burned and I went and put me camera back up and decided to bait it up again if/when they show back up. Plus it supplements the deers natural browse.
I’ve killed a couple coyotes back here and caught several in traps. Our coyotes tend to have certain areas they stay. To the West is a stand of small planted pines that’s about so thick you can’t see through it (not our property). The the East is an overgrown pond thick around the edges even with the blocking that takes place every Fall.
So what is my magical bait???
This joker has showed up 2 nights in a row.
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And now he’s apparently hungry enough to show up while I’m at work!!

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Now I just need a wind with an N in it!

And yeah, that tower stand has seen its better days. The covering is about gone, but it’s survived 2 tornadoes and 1 hurricane!
Sure looks like a breed gyp.
Otter on the right is the salvage tag, left is my first ever trapped. Other fur could be hat material (with the otter) or sold with others I have. Now to find a hat maker.
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Nice, Spot. I have often thought I would like a trooper hat made with my own skins, but I’m afraid i would get someone else’s fur in the hat and not my own.
Those pale coyotes are pretty. Don't think I have ever seen one back here that color or at least that uniform in color.
I am still not used to this new forum format and posted here in a single topic area without realizing. Here is the post where it should be.

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Daughter's place is near watermelon country - locals say the hogs love them. Tossed one in the field, only rind left next day and it was gone day after. She grew peanuts couple years ago. Tossed leftovers into compost but it was never disturbed.
i love the different coloration on those southern fox squirrels.

if those are salted peanuts leave a bowl of beer for the coyote too. he might be easier to call in :)