MFK experiences

користим к24 али сам хтео да купим мфк због 100 звукова

"I use the X24 but I wanted to buy MFK because of 100 of sounds."

не испоручују у моју земљу па сам желео да их контактирам и платим све само да ми испоруче звукове.

"They don't ship to my country so i wanted to contact them and pay everything just to ship the sounds to me."

The sounds are typically sent via a link to your email. You open up the link and download the sound to your computer. From there you use the FoxPro app to move the sounds from your computer to the app, then drag them to the call. Then you turn on the call and remote, and the remote will prompt you from there.

There shouldn't be any issues with "shipping" since you are just buying the sound file.
Sorry for going off topic, but where are you from Z? Those golden jackels look like they would be a blast to call!

Good luck with the mfk’s. I just got an x24 but havent even tried getting any new sounds yet. Just what comes from foxpro.
I wanted to thank everyone who wanted to help me.
I received a package today
My new X24 with MFK sounds

I also bought an additional speaker

my happiness has no end
I'm going to try it on tonight...
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I’m happy to see the X24 along with the MFK sounds are already producing results for you. The combination should serve you well.

What firearm do you use for hunting Jackal? Caliber and projectile weight/type?
Zoran, keep updating us with your hunts. Interesting to see a fellow predator hunter from a different country getting it done. Don't take any internet postings personal, words and meanings are easily misunderstood when not in person for clarification. Best of luck from the U.S.A. !!
Zoran, keep updating us with your hunts. Interesting to see a fellow predator hunter from a different country getting it done. Don't take any internet postings personal, words and meanings are easily misunderstood when not in person for clarification. Best of luck from the U.S.A. !!

here are two pictures from tonight!
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