Method for catching live coyotes by hand

Sorry but I don’t understand the connection between coyotes and fox pens, must be something unique to the south

Some like to chase fox and coyotes with dogs and there are closed in areas to do this without the worry of dogs getting hit by vehicles, running off game, getting on private property, and much easier to catch your hounds when you are ready to go.
They don’t catch the coyotes, it’s trailing the coyotes. No killing. It’s a big sport down South. Sorta like Field Trials for quail dogs, lol.
Haha, people pay to run their hounds and payouts and points are given. Those coyotes are taken care of better than some dogs. They’re particular about what they take as well. Any type of foot damage and they won’t take them. That’s why trappers are real careful about their traps used.
Most of the hillbillies that own pens here actually vaccinate the coyotes. They also make escape routes and “rooms” for them.

I have never heard of such a thing in my life ?. So it a theater designed for people to pay entrance, compete, and judged. To see how fast there dogs can track a Coyote ?
I have never heard of such a thing in my life ?. So it a theater designed for people to pay entrance, compete, and judged. To see how fast there dogs can track a Coyote ?

I forgot about this post.

However, if you aren't being sarcastic...

Fox "hunting" with hounds used to be a very big thing here in the South. Back then there was no such thing as "private" land whenever it came to hunting. You could turn out 100 hounds and hunt the entire country side. Then everything started to change. The plantations gave way to neighborhoods, the timber industry took off, people started posting their land, etc. So people got together and started building "fox pens". They would fence in several hundred acres of land to run their dogs on. The fences kept their dogs contained and off of other people's property. Some would have field trials where dogs would be judged, scored, etc. Some just liked to hear the dogs run.

Well, somewhere in that time line someone introduced coyotes to the mix. Coyotes are not native to South Carolina. It is said that they give the dogs a better run. So the trappers catch the coyotes then sale them to "fox pens". They don't want the dogs to catch and/or kill the coyotes so they make ways that they can escape to safety from the dogs. They also don't want their dogs catching any diseases from the coyotes so they feed the coyotes, vaccinate them, etc.

You can also pretty much replace the fox hunting story with the deer hunting story.