Making stands

I’m still learning and have limited areas to hunt during deer season. But I’ll go one night or early morning and set up for the wind and try to illicit a response. If I’m on them then I’ll work them. If not, I break out OnX and mark where I think they are and call it a night or move to the opposite end of the property and try it and repeat everything again.
Once I have the pin on OnX I’ll figure out where I want to set up and what kind of wind I need and when conditions are right I’ll go after them.
This has worked out really good “for me” it may not work for someone else. Yes, it requires coyotes to be vocal, but until our weed fields get narrowed up I’m limited as to where I can call from and actually see something.
We’ll start blocking Oct 1 and start harrowing fields right before quail season in November.
With that said, I haven’t heard or seen a coyote in several months, that includes about a couple dozen cell cams around the property.
They just made it legal to hunt coyotes at night 1 November 2022. Before that the only thing you could hunt at night was Ferral hogs, and you had to register the property through the department of wildlife
As the season progresses and the coyotes settle into these “newer” living conditions, have you noticed any sort of time frame to where they settle back in (adapt) to a more relaxed or typical pattern? Or will you continue to deal with this pattern until the next big change?

I think they have the most predictable patterns during denning season, once they are not anchored down to an area with pups their ranges seem to open up much larger areas.

That really was not a new tactic thee last time I hunted, other than the sounds I okayed I just focused on the areas and terrain I would during denning season
I think they have the most predictable patterns during denning season, once they are not anchored down to an area with pups their ranges seem to open up much larger areas.

That really was not a new tactic thee last time I hunted, other than the sounds I okayed I just focused on the areas and terrain I would during denning season
Our NY season runs Oct 1st thru March 31st so I don’t get to hunt denning coyotes here. I can start getting after them right when a bunch of things start changing here. Cooler weather, pups ranging out, vegetation die off, ag crops getting harvested and human presence in places there hasn’t been all summer, etc, etc.

I just wondered in your case, if the coyotes were just in a temporary transition of sorts because of the recent changes? Something you would see them revert back from with a little time, or would you pretty much stick with this slower/longer tactic from here out?
For night hunting coyotes/hogs, we have to get online and register the property we are hunting. Then we are good to go.
Yep I always call our game warden, when I night hunt and let him know my location. I don’t need no busted stands, I got enough troubles on my own. Not to mention it’s a courtesy if he gets a call of lights or a shot he don’t have to come check it out