I did it again


Well-known member
I did it again.
Some people are born hunters, others just hunt. I fall in to that second category. I love to hunt, but I have to work hard at it to be successful. My nephew on the other hand was born to hunt. He tags out a bull elk, a muley buck and a bear in archery season every year. He instinctively knows how to hunt, so much so that he has been able to get his twelve year old son on stand and taken two black bears with a bow over the last two or three seasons. He also has hunted successfully in Africa and Alaska. Not me.
I finally called in my first coyote this year will out deer watching. During the midday hours I will switch from deer to coyote and make a stand or two.
Saturday night the coyotes were singing their song on a ridge above my camping spot.


So, on Sunday morning at about eleven I snuck in to within about a quarter mile of where I heard them and set up.
The sun was at my back and the wind was in my face. I put the call out, but without my decoy feather because unbeknownst to me, my dog had chewed the feather off the stick. Anyway, that’s another story.
I started the call with some TT Barbwire bunny. At the 3 minute mark a coyote comes in and stops 100 yards in front of me and just stares me down. I don’t know how he even saw me, the spidey sense’s that coyotes have are simply amazing, second to none. We were in a stand off, after what seemed like an hour, probably 30 seconds, I got impatient and tried a head shot. The coyote wasn’t showing any sign of fleeing or anything else, he was just looking my way. I wasn’t moving, he hadn’t windy me, nothing like that. I just got impatient and shot. It seems like I do this every year no matter what, I miss my first coyote. You’d think I would learn from my mistakes, but I don’t. Better luck next time, right?
Fortunately for me the next time was yesterday. I did manage to shot the second coyote of the year. A young female.

Dog Down 10-21-24.jpg