Helmet, dual thermals or pvs 14 & thermal


Active member
Currently running a single mh25v2 on a team Wendy and absolutely love it. Considering buying another and going dual thermals, my question is about “fusion” when running both. Does anyone here have experience running dual thermals?

I am left eye dominant, and can’t really see myself being able to focus solely out of my right eye, and not sure I see any real benefit for DNV on the other eye. I am however intrigued to hear what guys like, or dislike, and real world experiences about 2x thermals on a bridge

Thanks fellas
I have quite a bit, there is actually a lot of information to go over regarding duals, whether it be a thermal/NV or nods or dual thermals.
I'll shoot ya a PM.
The only reason you would go dual is for walking around, just like Dual Night Vision tubes. But with thermal, you won't be able to see as well while walking, especially in many conditions. You might not see that huge hole that doesn't give off any heat and fall on your face you will.

While that single thermal is awesome, I would recommend dual NGV's instead.
Falling with a 3-4k$ gun and more $ on the helmet wouldn't be fun. Getting back up isn't easy either. Get a visible headlamp.
Currently running a single mh25v2 on a team Wendy and absolutely love it. Considering buying another and going dual thermals, my question is about “fusion” when running both. Does anyone here have experience running dual thermals?

I am left eye dominant, and can’t really see myself being able to focus solely out of my right eye, and not sure I see any real benefit for DNV on the other eye. I am however intrigued to hear what guys like, or dislike, and real world experiences about 2x thermals on a bridge

Thanks fellas

Everybody different, Lots of different techniques you are going to pickup.
Helmet 'bridge Duel Therm.' No don't have experience .
but like you, I am L-eye dominant . but I wear my pvs14 on non-dominate R-eye . I hand-scan thermal most of the night with Dominant L-eye . I shoot rifle with my non-dominant R-eye . also wearing a Wendy and have many years logged with wearing it .

If it were me, My thoughts and taste for the Nighttime hunting, foot travel, driving , I use my pvs14 100% for foot travel and some driving . I scan 100% using Therm.

You are NOT going to do any foot travel as efficiently as when you wearing NV on the helmet. The guy I hunt with once in while at night has a couple of iray's mh15 monoc's and even he say's he wishes he was using a pvs14 for when were navigating on foot. But his scanning ability while following me moving on foot is superior .
Also.. if wearing only bridged Therm. on the helmet trail navigation sucking, you cant drive looking threw windshield, you can't see Laser or IR, you cant see Game Cam's, cant see light signatures of IR beacons or flashlights ..etc. , LOL.. You can't even see the occasional Meteor blazing-in which I always enjoy at night.

Now... If I was in ' possession of both ' and choosing to run bridge . ether a Mini Therm. Monoc's., or PVS14's .
( me ) .. I would run/bridge 'one of each' on the Wendy . But Not try to Fuse both together .
I would flip Up or Down, use independently, and use each according to what I was doing ( walking, driving, scanning ) . Bridge one of each, you going to have best of both worlds on Helmet to use anytime, and don't worry about trying to Fuse images on a bride to your eyes.
There's a reason the military flies, drives and walks with NV.....

If you want to bridge a pvs14 to a thermal and flip one or the other up out of the way to have both options then that's fine but trying to use both at the same time to create a "fusion" just don't work for most people.

Scanning with thermal is the best way to go once your on stand but walking in unfamiliar and unlevel terrain with thermal is very sketchy, even dangerous in some scenarios. I guess if a person was on level ground, a road or smooth field and you moved slow, you could squeeze by walking with thermal but most hunters are rarely in that situation.
... If you want to bridge a pvs14 to a thermal and flip one or the other up out of the way to have both options then that's fine but trying to use both at the same time to create a "fusion" just don't work for most people ...

I'm one of those NOT "most people :D

I've been running thermal and nv on head since late 2015. Yes, even when I proposed to run Armasight Q-14 (pre FLIR version of the Breach) or the Patrol (I had both) on my head, I was told "you will fall over and die".
So for the first few nights, I stayed close to the house, to make it easier for my wife to find my body. But I didn't fall over and die. In fact (knock knock) while I've had a few bad falls in the day time doing farm work, I've not yet fallen at night. Moving slower, more carefully maybe.

With a q-14 or patrol or skeet or breach or odin gen01 up on my head with a 14, the images don't fuze. I.E. they don't line up. Its like seeing double. But I've been seeing double all my life so it doesn't bother me. Somehow my brain automatically selects one or the other image to see - most of the time - sometimes it sees both. But its not bothered. IDK why not.
I also run various cotis up there with the 14. Depending on what I'm doing.

I use all three of these setups.


From left to right

14 plus ce-coti (640) often on a night cap. Its lightest and handiest - If I wanna move fast. And on most nights I actually like having the extra FOV of the unaided eye ... and yes an unaided eye can often see a useful amount of terrain etc out there. The 640 thermal gives PID out to 150yds and supports shooting with the laser.

dual 14s with coti. I use this when driving or otherwise doing something that benefits from having depth of field. But I still have the thermal up there for shooting with the laser. The 14 and coti images do fuze, so I hit what I'm aiming at with a coti+14.

Nox18 with 14+coti.
This is the heaviest setup but provides longer distance scanning with the n18 and still provides fuzed image with the 14+coti for shooting with laser.

I've still never tried dual thermals, but that would rule out shooting with the laser and I like having that as an option when "walking and stalking" at night. If I'm setup on a tripod with a rifle. Then don't shoot with laser. But if walking and stalking - usually in or near the woods, then I often shoot with the laser, its fast.

I find I don't need to flip up if using config #3 above (N18 with 14+coti) my eyes automatically select one or the other image as primary, even though both are still there. If I'm rolling on 4 wheeler thru a dangerous area, I can use my eyelids, to make sure I know which image I am looking at - and I do - do that on occasion - for safety reason. But my eyelids work well and I don't need to physically flip either optic.

For almost exactly a decade now, I've been told I'm doing it all wrong :D But it works for me and having a thermal on my head is very liberating vs carrying thermal in pocket. I can use the thermal whenever I want - I don't have to wait to take it out of my pocket - and I don't need to use any hands - its hands free. Its just up there waiting for me to use it !!

I have heard from many people that they don't like having thermal and NV on their heads at the same time. So I agree that warning the OP that it might not work for him is appropriate and I give that same warning to anyone who asks me. But I also toss in my experience that for whatever reason, it works great for me.
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I have a team Wendy helmet, IR Hunter M250 monocular and a PVS14 monocular.

Is there a mount the will accept both units I mentioned above???