Got my first coyote ever tonight

Thank you @Dead Down Wind . I've been chasing them with no success for a while now so hopefully I'm able to keep calling them in. I've learned so much in the 11 months I've been on the forum. Feels like I shaved years off the learning curve.
That's a pretty one too. Nice and fluffy.

Man, I forget to hit record about 98% of the time. As others have said, most scopes hit the auto record button.
Congrats, Lazer32!

I usually hit record at the beginning of a stand before I start calling. There are times when I forget but that way I'll usually have everything on video to go back and evaluate shot placement, etc. The only downside to always recording is that I have to delete a bunch of videos off of my scope often to avoid running out of storage space.
how long does your battery last recording all the time?
I did some load development on Sunday and afterwards I did some scouting in a new area I had never hunted in before. Saw some scat so I decided I would go back and call at some point. Yesterday, Monday, we got wind from the west I decided tonight would work.
I trekked in about half a mile and set up on the edge of a field with the wind in my face. Did some prey distress and some coyote vocals but got nothing. Decided I should keep traveling east and use the wind to my advantage. Walked for probably 10 min and found favorable spot to set up under a tree.
I began the set by doing some coyote yips and then I move over to coyote group. Between the two calls the caller ran 4 minutes total. I then stopped calling and scanned for a minute. I started up with coyote duet and then moved to male howls, thats when this female showed up on the thermal at 105 yards. She was walking down the path and staying close to the tall grass. At 84 yards she stopped and I center punched her with the 55 grain V-max bullet. The bullet dumped her and she didn't take a single step. I completely forgot to hit record in the heat of the moment but I did get a picture. Thanks for all the tips and information gentlemen. My knowledge has grown exponentially since I joined this forum and for that I am thankful.
Congratulations on your first coyote welcome to the club of no return for the Coyote obsession is very real for some of us
Thanks @sandman22250. It's fair to say that I've been bit pretty hard by the obsession bug, it took me almost 3 years of trying different things before my first. I was out pretty late last night chasing them. I figure if I'm gonna get any good at chasing them in the moonlight then I gotta be out there.