FREQ calls

We have drifted into crazy land. $1000+ for a coyote call!!! You have to be kidding!

This really represents where the industry is more than anything else. The normal products on the market do what is reasonable and are close to the best that can be offered for the intended use of the product. They know this. As a result, companies are scrambling for gimmicks that they hope will capture more sales. Therefore, we are witnessing thousand dollar coyote calls with gimmicky super duper ultrasound technology. They are desperate.

Your job is to hold onto your wallet and recognize the B.S. Given this is such a narrow, niche market. We will see a shakeout of suppliers in the next few years. There is not much else to realistically improve on this product niche. And, there is going to be no real growth in the number of customers in the tiny small number of people that hunt coyotes.

The manufacturers are hunting us because they know market is small and crowded. Smart hunters know when THEY are the ones being called in.
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We have drifted into crazy land. $1000+ for a coyote call!!! You have to be kidding!

This really represents where the industry is more than anything else. The normal products on the market do what is reasonable and are close to the best that can be offered for the intended use of the product. They know this. As a result, companies are scrambling for gimmicks that they hope will capture more sales. Therefore, we are witnessing thousand dollar coyote calls with gimmicky super duper ultrasound technology. They are desperate.

Your job is to hold onto your wallet and recognize the B.S. Given this is such a narrow, niche market. We will see a shakeout of suppliers in the next few years. There is not much else to realistically improve on this product niche. And, there is going to be no real growth in the number of customers in the tiny small number of people that hunt coyotes.

The manufacturers are hunting us because they know market is small and crowded. Smart hunters know when THEY are the ones being called in.
Kinda like bows? A very popular bow designer said 5-6 years ago that unless someone reinvents the wheel bows have reached a plateau.
When people are spending $5000 or more on a rig to kill coyotes, what's a $1000 for a caller. If I were a call maker I sure wouldn't miss out on the attitude that you can buy success and the more expensive it is the better it works.

Yet every year bow makers come out with new models that are faster or quieter and people line up for them thinking it will make them more successful.
When people are spending $5000 or more on a rig to kill coyotes, what's a $1000 for a caller. If I were a call maker I sure wouldn't miss out on the attitude that you can buy success and the more expensive it is the better it works.

Yet every year bow makers come out with new models that are faster or quieter and people line up for them thinking it will make them more successful.

Years ago I was hunting my favorite WMA and I came across this old timer. He was wearing some old torn military bdu's and a plain green shirt, also with holes in it. He did have on a good pair of boots, as this WMA was a very wet one. He had an old Bear compound bow and a quiver full of arrows. This guy must have had 30 arrows in his quiver. What was so amazing is that almost all of them had dried blood on them. Whenever he opened the tailgate on his truck to throw his climber in the bed there were probably just as many broken arrows, all with blood on them.

I felt as if I just met the legend himself, I even asked if his name was Fred. LoL
I hunted in the same forest, at the same time with Fred we just never met, my claim to fame in bow hunting.