First sighting since Sept. 4th


Well-known member
I didn't get to hunt for the middle 2 weeks in this time frame for various reasons but made it out 5 nights (last night being the only night this week) and have made 25 sets since the last time I saw a target. It has been a VERY strange September with very little howling heard by me or the landowners! Out of these 25 sets I have only got responses 4 times and had no takers out of them.
This was the 5th and last scheduled set of the night. I started with a puppy distress and at about 4min see a rabbit come bounding out of the tree line 200yds in front of me and duck into the woods to its right. Well, a few seconds later I see what had it on the run. Vid tells the rest. I barked her to a stop because she was soon to be blocked by the brush piled up in front of me. Big female, about 5min in set, 145yds per onx 1:01am.
It was not a good night for thermal, when I got home my weather station said 99% humidity and the 2 stands prior to this one where in bottoms and they laid thick with fog.

Glad it finally turned around for you Mike. You’ve been at it long enough to know how it works sometImes. Experience says “Keep Grinding” because you know it’ll happen at some point. Experience also tells you that there’s not much that compares to that feeling we get when it does happen!

Way to grind it out and congrats on the successful hunt. You put the whoops on that old gal!
I had to click on it and it pulled up another video. So I clicked on his channel and got to watch it.
Just one question on the 2 I watched? You afraid to shoot more than once? Both videos the coyotes ran and spun before dying. I kept waiting for a second or third shot, lol.
Long dry spells are all too common here, but at times activity suddenly picks up and seems they come one after another. Twenty five stands shows patience and dedication.