First coyote bow stands this year, update.


Retired PM Staff
I did two stands this afternoon while I was scouting for duck seasons next week. Blank on the first but the second was fun. About 30 seconds into the stand a big lanky coyote came in hot and made it to the caller before I could get the sights on him, still a rush. Going to try again in the morning .
Good luck Erich!

I haven’t ever targeted coyotes specifically with a bow and calling. I’ve taken a couple with the bow as targets of opportunity. You apparently like a challenge!
Little compound bow. Used to shoot longbows and recurves, it might have been an easier shot aiming instinctively instead of lining up sights. I'm getting too old to hold a recurve at draw for long, even my compound is only set at 45#. It'll happen this year.

A nice mulie doe came into the call on the first stand, fun to watch them stand there with their ears swiveling around. Called in a nice buck last spring after killing a coyote with the rifle while javelina hunting.
I lip squeaked a coyote into bow range while deer hunting one time. He couldn't stand that SlickTrick. I learned then that coyotes just don't bleed well.

I tell people and show them video all the time of how deer pay my call no attention. A lot of times they will even come to it. Deer are curious by nature.
I lip squeaked a coyote into bow range while deer hunting one time.
Lip squeaks have created some interesting developments for me while bowhunting. Used it to kill coyotes with the bow, call in foxes and fishers. But when you’re perched 20 feet in the air and you want to test a Barred Owl’s hearing, take a second and ask yourself if it’s really a good idea?!… I don’t know that owls care how big the mouse is, and they know exactly where it is! Just sayin?
So this morning I'm looking for alternate duck spots and saw this tree line and the wind was good.

No takers but did call in a road runner he must have anvilled the coyote.
He strutted around under the call for five minutes.

This rive is usually up on the banks. I did find a good spot, about a quarter mile from a place I can launch a canoe.

Pretty country, I m camping for three days. Off to look for more spots
So this morning I'm looking for alternate duck spots and saw this tree line and the wind was good.View attachment 11389

No takers but did call in a road runner he must have anvilled the coyote.
He strutted around under the call for five minutes.

This rive is usually up on the banks. I did find a good spot, about a quarter mile from a place I can launch a canoe.View attachment 11390

Pretty country, I m camping for three days. Off to look for more spots
beautiful country...good luck