If your kids ride your ATV to go trick or treating and the blood on it is not fake
if your friends at work find a dead animal in the back of their truck or car (Yep one crawled right in the back seat before dieing) and everyone has a good idea who did it
if your 13 year old Son runs through the house yelling he is spending the night at a friends house, he grabs an AR 15 before leaving, and his Mother is not upset
your phone has a screaming rabbit for a ring tone and no one in your family thinks it is strange
you have a 700 dollar amplified call that accidentally comes in your saddle bags at full volume and your horse never stops eating
you look forward to Halloween because you can scare the little kids out of your yard with your caller
your kids know the difference between cat and dog tracks
you go for a walk with your wife and kids and the kids stop and inspect every pile of crap they find
your Daughter handles and shoots a gun better than any of her Boyfriends
and last but not least
your Daughter goes to work in your truck and asks the secret service to search her vehicle before she arrives
She is the Blonde with Long Hair