END IT WITH * you might be a coyote hunter* (a fun thread maybe)

You know you are the fiancé of a coyote hunter when...

if you go to walmart dressed in full camo 3 hours before sunrise and buy a cat toy only to cut the fuzzy feathers off to add some new pazaz to your mojo...
If you get pulled over by the 5-0 and spot a coyote on the side of the road while he's writing your ticket, then get out to see if it's still good after he leaves! (a day earlier and I would had had a nice pelt)! Lol!
If you ever watched coyote videos at work (air force base) on a boring Saturday over 6 years ago and you talk to a since discharged troop who is now a leftwing Cali college student and he reminds you about it and then breaks out singing "come little coyote".
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If you buy a new call in the dead of winter and have to roll your windows down so it doesn't deafen you as you practice on the way home, you might be a coyote hunter.
If you have to buy new shoes every month from walking, get more fat on your seat from sitting, have a lot of gnat bites, and don't have a coyote to your name, then you're a coyote hunter.
If your predator rifle set up cost more than your daily commute car or old hunting truck, you might be a coyote hunter.

(My family and friends think I'm crazy for this, but who needs the best of vehicles when a $1300 beater and old rusted chevy does the same job? Then you can get the best rifle and optics instead!)
When the lightning jack ecall comes on when your listening to music on your ipod and you realize thats the best music there is... you might be a coyote hunter.