If, on a regular morning 7:00 a.m. is getting up early, you sleep in your camos on vacation just to be ready to go at 5:00 a.m. to hunt coyotes …you might be a coyote hunter.
If, when you get home from vacation you sleep on the couch in your camos so your husband won’t leave you behind when he leaves to go coyote hunting…you might be a coyote hunter.
If you rationalize that money spent on the weekend for gas or diesel to drive to and from the ranch to coyote hunt is still cheaper than ‘dinner and a movie’…you might be a coyote hunter.
If your Valentine’s present is a new rifle and scope for
hunting coyotes…and you’re happy about it
...you might be a coyote hunter.
If ‘family time’ consists of watching coyote hunting videos, driving to coyote hunting stands, sitting in coyote hunting stands, talking about making coyote hunting stands...and your computer is always on “google maps” of coyote hunting stands…you might be a coyote hunter/ or at least married to one.
If you and your spouse can regularly spend 7-8 hours hunting coyotes together and never once argue or mention the kids, the house, the family, the bills, or anything else unrelated to coyotes....you and he/she might BOTH be coyote hunters.
All true...but none compare with Tony Tebbe’s laundry room picture! (I think I’m thankful that south eastern coyotes aren’t hunted for their fur.