Elevated with a view.

Back in the early 60's. Most Red Fox would inhabit flat land & low rolling hills. Denning in an Earthen den. Once the coyotes moved in. Some of those fox. Started denning in small towns or on near acreages/farms. Choosing to den inside of small diameter field drive culvert tubes or in/under barns & machine sheds. Some yrs back. I knew of if I recall? 5 active red fox dens. Within a 7 mile radius. In my hunt areas. A pair of Red Fox would inhabit roughly 2-3 square mile area. They tolerate neighboring territorial fox. Much more than a territorial coyote pair. Will tolerate a neighboring coyote pair. As for the coyote established territory. I have observed 3 pairs of coyotes that had over lapping boundries. Some of which over lapped by a 1/4 mile +.
Joe I'm inviting you to join the cooking section with me. I'm trying to learn some traditional north american cooking from all different regions and I bet you have all kinds of recipes to share. Please come
Joe I'm inviting you to join the cooking section with me. I'm trying to learn some traditional north american cooking from all different regions and I bet you have all kinds of recipes to share. Please come
Cooking? I'm not much into that. However, one day I seen a coon dragging a foothold trap & stake in a road ditch. He was a large coon. So I got out of my truck & thumped him with a hatchet. All in view of a family who passed by & stopped to see what I was up too. Now if you have a hankering on killing a coon with a hatchet? I can offer 1 perspective on that. :)
Ha! The hatchet coon reminds me of a time that I killed a coyote while deer hunting. My brother wanted it for a mount. Or for his taxidermist friend to practice or some such thing. Anyway, I was not wanting to be stinking like a coyote, but I also didn’t want to drag it for fear of damaging its prime coat if the thing was going to be a mount. I pursed it by tying a hunk of paracord to front and back feet and slung it over my shoulder and carried it out, grumbling the entire way about now stinking like a coyote and crawling with ticks! Now this property, the owner makes me park in front of his house so he knows when I’m there, and that I make it back out. Right across the road is a senior day activity center. A damn bus load of seniors pulls up directly behind my Jeep Cherokee at the time I was shoving this dead “Dog” into the rear end. The look on their faces when I turned around was pure mortification! Old ladies with hands on their cheeks and over their mouths. Lol… Priceless!
Ha! The hatchet coon reminds me of a time that I killed a coyote while deer hunting. My brother wanted it for a mount. Or for his taxidermist friend to practice or some such thing. Anyway, I was not wanting to be stinking like a coyote, but I also didn’t want to drag it for fear of damaging its prime coat if the thing was going to be a mount. I pursed it by tying a hunk of paracord to front and back feet and slung it over my shoulder and carried it out, grumbling the entire way about now stinking like a coyote and crawling with ticks! Now this property, the owner makes me park in front of his house so he knows when I’m there, and that I make it back out. Right across the road is a senior day activity center. A damn bus load of seniors pulls up directly behind my Jeep Cherokee at the time I was shoving this dead “Dog” into the rear end. The look on their faces when I turned around was pure mortification! Old ladies with hands on their cheeks and over their mouths. Lol… Priceless!
Peel off the outer layer of most men. The primitive man appears. :)
Cooking? I'm not much into that. However, one day I seen a coon dragging a foothold trap & stake in a road ditch. He was a large coon. So I got out of my truck & thumped him with a hatchet. All in view of a family who passed by & stopped to see what I was up too. Now if you have a hankering on killing a coon with a hatchet? I can offer 1 perspective on that. :)
What did you eat today Joe?
Ha! The hatchet coon reminds me of a time that I killed a coyote while deer hunting. My brother wanted it for a mount. Or for his taxidermist friend to practice or some such thing. Anyway, I was not wanting to be stinking like a coyote, but I also didn’t want to drag it for fear of damaging its prime coat if the thing was going to be a mount. I pursed it by tying a hunk of paracord to front and back feet and slung it over my shoulder and carried it out, grumbling the entire way about now stinking like a coyote and crawling with ticks! Now this property, the owner makes me park in front of his house so he knows when I’m there, and that I make it back out. Right across the road is a senior day activity center. A damn bus load of seniors pulls up directly behind my Jeep Cherokee at the time I was shoving this dead “Dog” into the rear end. The look on their faces when I turned around was pure mortification! Old ladies with hands on their cheeks and over their mouths. Lol… Priceless!
Cool, too bad you don't have a picture of the hogtied coyote to share, that would have been fun.
Cool, too bad you don't have a picture of the hogtied coyote to share, that would have been fun.
Meh? It was just a nice coyote with a hunk of paracord tied to its legs. Pretty easy to imagine. It was probably 6 or 7 years ago, so any pics I might have taken are long gone.
shoving this dead “Dog” into the rear end. The look on their faces when I turned around was pure mortification! Old ladies with hands on their cheeks and over their mouths. Lol… Priceless!

Timing of place and time, Dog, and Old ladies upset mortified ....LOL .. reminded me of ..
We had a Trimet public bus stop across street on the corner of the house I grew up . There was 3 women standing there early in morning going to ride bus . A Dog ran out in middle of the road and got hit right in front of them, and at same time my Ol'man was just getting into the truck to takeoff to the job.
The woman were all screaming high emotion, yelling ..." do something, please do something, help the dog". to my Ol'man standing by his truck.
The dog was pretty busted up F'edup real bad . So the Ol'man just opened truck door, grabbed the Estwing 22oz. out of the tool bucket, walked over and just clocked the dog on head and put it out of it's misery. Then picked him up, and slung him in back of the truck.
Well the the high emotion screaming of ..."help do something". instantly turned into Screaming X10 on the loudness with hate and contempt for my fathers solution to their problem.
Timing of place and time, Dog, and Old ladies upset mortified ....LOL .. reminded me of ..
We had a Trimet public bus stop across street on the corner of the house I grew up . There was 3 women standing there early in morning going to ride bus . A Dog ran out in middle of the road and got hit right in front of them, and at same time my Ol'man was just getting into the truck to takeoff to the job.
The woman were all screaming high emotion, yelling ..." do something, please do something, help the dog". to my Ol'man standing by his truck.
The dog was pretty busted up F'edup real bad . So the Ol'man just opened truck door, grabbed the Estwing 22oz. out of the tool bucket, walked over and just clocked the dog on head and put it out of it's misery. Then picked him up, and slung him in back of the truck.
Well the the high emotion screaming of ..."help do something". instantly turned into Screaming X10 on the loudness with hate and contempt for my fathers solution to their problem.
This reminded of I went to my friends house as a kid, maybe I was 9 or 10. They had a little farm and while in the living room I guess their dog bit my friends younger sister. Next thing I knew there was a gunshot from the porch the dad immediately went out and shot the dog. Kids were crying and I was pretty scared to be honest. The Rodney King beating was also being played over and over on their tv. I don’t think I ever visited their place again after that