Do you carry a hand call?

Yep, all the time when hunting,. and sometimes when not. I have had many big game hunts become coyote hunts when I find a good calling spot. I'll just hunker down, pull a hand call out, and see what I can call in. I've killed quite a few coyotes this way with my .300, muzzleloader, etc.
The amount of stuff I carry is outrageous. But as far as calls go I carry 3 diaphragm calls, an open reed howler, 2 rabbit distress calls and a mouse squeak coaxer. Fortunately hand calls are light and my batteries don’t die.
I always carry a hand call, usually 2-3 of them. In fact I have gotten to where when calling at night I rarely take an electronic anymore. Rifle, tripod, scanner, a couple hand calls, a flashlight, and some thermal batteries. That is about it. Open reed, closed reed, maybe a coaxer. Sometimes all I carry is a medium open reed distress that I can do either prey distress or vocals on, and call it good.
I hunted coyotes for 30 years before I bought an e-call. So yes, I carry hand calls. Two Tally-Ho's and a Critter Call Standard. I learned to do all the sounds on the hand calls and I still use hand calls more than I do my CS 24.
I keep a hand call on the same lanyard as my remote. Comes in handy if the batteries die on the caller, or if I see/hear some coyotes close by before I get the caller set up. I also keep a small rubber squeaker on the same lanyard.