Do you carry a hand call?


Active member
Just curious how many of you carry a hand/mouth call as well as your ecaller out in the field? What do you carry, a distress or a vocal?
A little rabbit squaller..Couldn't tell you the name since its been 20 years but it was a call maker here in PA...
Mouth diagrams with a cow horn amp.
I carry a rabbit distress call and a howler that I bought from the custom hand calls section. I really like both of them. Decided to get some hand calls after I trekked out a ways to a spot and realized I had forgotten my e-caller remote. Ruined my whole night, I walked back and just went
Yep no matter what I always have a lanyard of various handcalls. Can't count the amount of times technology has failed one way or another and have just gone back to handcalls like nothing happened.
Always, I made a set years ago, when I went to pull out my remote I discovered I’d left it in the truck. So I pulled out a Ctrir call I had in my pocket, this was the first time I’d ever used a hand call, and damn if I didn’t call in a coyote. I don’t know who was more surprised, the coyote when he saw me or me when I realized I had actually called one…..
lol. Man have things changed. Technology has taken over. All we ever used were hand calls. I have used remote ecallers plenty, usually when I’m hunting solo. They are a big benefit to a solo hunter. We still use hand calls the majority of the time, old habits I guess.
Dia. in my mouth on all sets and a horn in a pocket; critter caller plus a closed reed and a bite reed are around my neck and used sporadically.
I carry a closed reed Sceery cottontail call. More than once, I have set my call out 25-50 yards away and turned on my remote and pressed play only to discover that I did not turn the call on. Instead of getting up and fixing it, I just turn that stand into a hand call stand.

Sh*t happens.
Almost never, can’t remember the last time I carried a hand call. I keep my e caller battery charged and have an extra battery that’s fully charged.
I always carry at least one. I have one in my back scabbard along with a knife, drag and matches. One or two around my neck and a couple hanging off the mirror in the truck. Do I use them a lot, no, but I practice in the truck while driving and you never know when you walk over a hill and will find the perfect stand for a hand call.