Critr calls gone for good?

Just pulled out a bunch of old calls of mine. That I haven’t used in a long time. 3 Circe wooden calls probably made in the 60’s both cottontail and jackrabbit. A plastic Circe cottontail call from the early 70’s I think. A few old weems wild calls including a dual tone. Think I might try them some this year.

Good Hunting Chad
Cool. Yeah I have a few Weems dual tones I inherited from my dad. I've used them plenty throughout the years. I used the pee wee critr call almost exclusively for many years, my favorite call. I still have plenty of burnham bros, Circe, Sceery, Olt, Lohman etc. calls stashed around.
I have a drawer full of old hand calls going back to the 1950s, but my favorite calls were made by Dan Thompson of Rawlins, Wyo. a lot of the calls you see from the last 20 years or so are copy's of Dan's calls. Murl B.
I have a drawer full of old hand calls going back to the 1950s, but my favorite calls were made by Dan Thompson of Rawlins, Wyo. a lot of the calls you see from the last 20 years or so are copy's of Dan's calls. Murl B.
Same here. I have a few Dan Thompsons as well. I remember he'd send a small note with his calls in the mail. I also liked Carver calls. He makes some nice calls.