One of my buddies shoots the 58 grain V-Max. I've seen a few that weren't too torn up if they're hit length ways. The ones I've seen he hit broadside or in soft tissue like the neck had big holes in them. When I was shooting 100 grain softpoints for the most part it just punched right through them without too much damage if they were standing broadside. Those light weight varmint bullets are getting out there pretty quick. Whether they hit something hard like bone or soft like guts or neck and it's gonna blow it up pretty good. The bullets that retain their weight don't seem to do that. In my experience anyways.I haven't tried the 58 gr Vmax but I think it wouldn't cause too much of a problem for a fur hunter. Most 100 gr bullets in a 243 would increase the chance of causing fur damage.
I stand corrected. I would have guessed it the other way around.One of my buddies shoots the 58 grain V-Max. I've seen a few that weren't too torn up if they're hit length ways. The ones I've seen he hit broadside or in soft tissue like the neck had big holes in them. When I was shooting 100 grain softpoints for the most part it just punched right through them without too much damage if they were standing broadside. Those light weight varmint bullets are getting out there pretty quick. Whether they hit something hard like bone or soft like guts or neck and it's gonna blow it up pretty good. The bullets that retain their weight don't seem to do that. In my experience anyways.
I haven't always seen those 58 grain bullets go all the way through. Which is what a fur hunter wants from a bullet. The downside is you could drop a softball in the entrance hole.