Coyote intelligence level by location.

have you noticed a region where coyotes seemed to be more intelligent than in others?
Absolutely no doubt; only the Einsteins of the coyote world reside in S. Tx.!
Very little public land. But yet I've seen more coyotes hang up or flat out ignore the call in parts of Texas than anywhere in Oklahoma or Kansas.
....and the farther south you go, the smarter they get.;):)
it's in interaction between humans thing predominantly.
I tend to think it is pressure that educates them.
It doesn't take much coyote calling pressure in wide open country to educate the coyotes.
I'd go a step farther, Bob. It doesn't take much pressure to get coyotes to refuse to step out of cover anywhere, including brush country.
I’ll play Devils advocate…could we all have the same densities and it’s all terrain driven?
Who’s to say us guys in the East aren’t calling the same amount of coyotes, except we can’t take 250-500yd shots on them because we can’t see 250-500yds?
Other than when hunting pipelines and other senderos, it is very unusual to see more than a couple hundred yards. I'm certain Ive called at least twice the number of coyotes as I have seen over the years; probably more.
IMO hunting East is far more challenging, in MOST places you'll find fewer coyotes to hunt, the exception being around the cities where you not supposed to discharge a firearm and then there's one behind every tree, they're scared of nothing and can be seen all times of day or night. They live in such close proximity to humans, scent is of little concern, they'll come into your backyard after chickens, goats, or terriers. Another problem hunting East is gaining permission and the average size of a farm is small. I'd say IF a yote lives past a year he's pretty darn schooled up because hard telling how many people have shot at him. My sets are far longer than most of the posts I read, there's just not enough ground to legally hunt, so I hunt longer and call less going stealth for extended periods. Most of the places I hunt are corn, bean and hay fields so longer shots are often possible. As far as coyotes being smarter by region, I doubt it they're all clever suckers.
IMO hunting East is far more challenging, in MOST places you'll find fewer coyotes to hunt, the exception being around the cities where you not supposed to discharge a firearm and then there's one behind every tree, they're scared of nothing and can be seen all times of day or night. They live in such close proximity to humans, scent is of little concern, they'll come into your backyard after chickens, goats, or terriers. Another problem hunting East is gaining permission and the average size of a farm is small. I'd say IF a yote lives past a year he's pretty darn schooled up because hard telling how many people have shot at him. My sets are far longer than most of the posts I read, there's just not enough ground to legally hunt, so I hunt longer and call less going stealth for extended periods. Most of the places I hunt are corn, bean and hay fields so longer shots are often possible. As far as coyotes being smarter by region, I doubt it they're all clever suckers.

You definitely have the East down.
I’ll play Devils advocate…could we all have the same densities and it’s all terrain driven?
Who’s to say us guys in the East aren’t calling the same amount of coyotes, except we can’t take 250-500yd shots on them because we can’t see 250-500yds?
I ponder that thought every blank stand. Was there a coyote there that just didn’t commit or get to where he could see but I couldn’t and he just didn’t come in?
I’m reading about y’all guys seeing them 1000yds or more away. Only way I could see that far would be with a drone and then it better have thermal.
I do think that down here coyotes can hear you from a great distance. But, unless you’re in their bubble (150yds or less) they ain’t coming. I swear I can tell by their responses whether it’s a “I’m coming to check you out” or it’s an “I hear you but just don’t care.” Just the other night a group answered and I told my son forget it, they ain’t coming. What we “should’ve” done was pack it up and make a move closer. What we did, was sit there and call for the next 45min praying every deer we saw would morph into a coyote.
I’m still learning, but if they ain’t charging in within the first 10min, your odds are pretty slim that they’re even coming at all. I have yet to see a coyote come in and stop and look, it’s hard charging all the way and generally pretty quick.
I don't think the densities are really debatable. If you ever get a chance to hunt out west, it becomes apparent really quickly. If you don't kill 50+ in a 48 hour tournament out west, you probably didn't win. There have been 4 man teams break 100 in a 48 hour tournament in Texas multiple times. Where I live, if you kill 3 in a weekend tournament, you probably won.
I don't think the densities are really debatable. If you ever get a chance to hunt out west, it becomes apparent really quickly. If you don't kill 50+ in a 48 hour tournament out west, you probably didn't win. There have been 4 man teams break 100 in a 48 hour tournament in Texas multiple times. Where I live, if you kill 3 in a weekend tournament, you probably won.
I definitely think coyote density plays a bigger role in it than anything else for sure. You said a weekend tournament where you're at if you kill 3 you're doing dang good. If I'm in a 1 day tournament I don't feel confident winning if we don't shoot at least 6 to 8 coyotes. If it's a two day you need at least 10 to 12 to be in the money. If you're going for the most that is. Throw night hunting in there and you could see 30+ easily. If someone is willing to hunt that hard. Most people won't go that hard. They'll sleep during the day and hunt at night if given the choice.

I've hunted a few contest in Central Texas and hunted from Friday night until Sunday evening. Went non-stop with maybe a nap or two mixed in. That's when huntin becomes work and it's not as fun anymore. I was seeing eyes shining that weren't even there by 3am Saturday morning on that last one I did like that. I was so tired I was out of it. I stopped the light on absolutely nothing a few times because I thought a coyote was out there. So either way you're screwed. You're gonna be working hard to win whether you're in a target rich environment or not. There's no way around it.
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I don't know what happened to me. I don't know if it's age or if my heart just ain't in it as much as it used to be. I still love shootin coyotes but I always find it harder to go more than 24 hours in those contest. It's hard staying up late.

My buddy and I hunted one last year and I was driving to a stand and I woke up driving. I looked over and my buddy was like "You missed the turn a few miles back. You were driving straight so I just decided to let you sleep." I laughed so hard it helped wake me up some. That guy is something else.

I guess as long as we both ain't sleeping at the same time we're good.
I don't know what happened to me. I don't know if it's age or if my heart just ain't in it as much as it used to be. I still love shootin coyotes but I always find it harder to go more than 24 hours in those contest. It's hard staying up late.

My buddy and I hunted one last year and I was driving to a stand and I woke up driving. I looked over and my buddy was like "You missed the turn a few miles back. You were driving straight so I just decided to let you sleep." I laughed so hard it helped wake me up some. That guy is something else.

I guess as long as we both ain't sleeping at the same time we're good.
OK, that is a real buddy!

As to stand length, sure I kill some in the first 5 min, next 5 min, then the next 10 min but the majority of my kills here in SW PA are between 25 and 50 min and a few each year are over an hour into set. Silence is your friend in my neck of the woods. And you gotta move to get into their 'bubble' as 'spur' calls it IF YOU GOT PERMISSION WHERE THEY ARE AT.
I think it's like any other critter. It all goes back to how much they've been messed with by humans. On top of that a greater coyote density means more competition for everything they need from territory in general along with food and breeding hierarchy. They are all born uneducated but are fast leaners. Im guessing how smart they become depends on how many educational opportunities they survive.
I’ve noticed a lot of difference in coyote intelligence across different areas of the USA. I think it’s directly related to calling pressure. And with the availability and relatively low cost of e callers, opening of night hunting in more states and the internet, lots of coyotes are carrying a phd.
The availability of 500ish dollar digital nv combined with a bunch of internet attention seekers who could never call in and kill a coyote in the daylight brought a fast education. Same guys have a hard time killing them at night now. I think a lot gave up when the number of stands in between kills got a bit higher. A lot of guys are only interested in the kill and even more so the internet hero post vs the comraderie and the strategy and actual hunt.
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Around here I think it's all comes down to people pressure. Late September and October before the pheasant and deer season it's not hard to call them in. They get pushed and they wise up quick. Then breeding season some forget everything. Last Friday night had 2 charge in in 60 seconds to pup distress. 2nd stand 3 were within 40 yards in 5 minutes. 3rd stand had a group howling at 350 yards away, another group at 500 and another group at a thousand yards but no takers.
This may sound ridiculous but I figured I'd get everyone's opinion on the subject. There are coyote hunters from all walks of life on this forum. From North to South, East to West and everything in between. For those who have been fortunate enough to have hunted coyotes in multiple States, have you noticed a region where coyotes seemed to be more intelligent than in others?

I know most will say a coyote is a coyote across the board. But there's got to be other reasons why coyotes do what they do depending on their environment and the conditions in which they thrive in.

I've hunted in coyotes in Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas. And honestly the coyotes I've hunted in Central Texas seemed to be a lot more leary and cautious than any Oklahoma or Kansas coyotes I've seen. There are exceptions to that but for the most part they seem more on edge down there. But hunting pressure may or may not be a big part of that. I really couldn't say.

What's y'all's opinion on this?

I dont think its a state wide difference, but more so small areas where they are dumb or smart. Ive seen city coyotes stand next to the road 15 feet away and not care about people, then 5 miles outside that city they run for the hills when they see a vehicle come down the road. Same for calling, areas where people dont do it they are stupid and run right to the call, and then a few miles away where they get pressured they will wind you from 500 yards out and take off.

I think all wildlife are equal across the country in terms of intelligence, but they sure do get educated.
As of 2024 coyote population by state has Pennsylvania and Georgia having more coyotes than many Western states and nearly as high as NM.

Could be ...but the PAGC really has no data to back that up. They do not survey the hunters or trappers. They have NO true field survey data. Nothing. ZIP...same line as their deer estimates. They have no true clue.

I hunt NY also and have hunted OH(usually every other year)
They are so unique and all within 30 minutes of me.
Where I hunt in OH there is more flatland with very thick growth along roads and creeks/drainages, broken up by 10-20 acre crop fields.

NY is bigger woodlots...bigger crop and hay fields broken up with small swamps. Rolling terrain and freaking deep snow.
Here in PA it is a cornucopia of both but with more, smaller properties to try to get permission on.
As of 2024 coyote population by state has Pennsylvania and Georgia having more coyotes than many Western states and nearly as high as NM.
Where can we see those numbers? I've looked for years to find population data on coyotes, and I've never seen any reputable data. Off the cuff that's the most ridiculous statement about coyotes that I've ever heard, but I'm sure OK with being wrong.
Google coyote populations by state.
interesting .

there are more grizzly bears in Yellowstone than coyotes in Delaware. We should run a for profit tournament there next weekend, see if the number goes down next year.
interesting .

there are more grizzly bears in Yellowstone than coyotes in Delaware. We should run a for profit tournament there next weekend, see if the number goes down next year.
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I’m not saying it’s inaccurate, but it Oklahoma ranks second to last in coyote population, just ahead of Delaware. It’s difficult to gauge population by state since state sizes vary, which skews the numbers. I’d like to find a reliable source that documents coyote density per square mile.

I often hear the phrase, “You just hunt in an area overrun with coyotes.”

OKRattler, do you think our area is truly overrun with coyotes? How often do you see one while driving down the road?

I live in the country and commute an hour to work Monday through Friday. My route takes me through some of the land I hunt, often in the early morning when coyotes are most active. I’m constantly scanning the fields, and while I do spot them occasionally, it’s only one every few months. We have a solid coyote population, but only a fraction of them have never encountered hunters. Even those that haven’t been called before have established social structures that shape their behavior—some are naturally more timid, others more bold. But to suggest that coyotes from one region are inherently more intelligent than those from another? I personally don’t see any probable basis for that.

Even in areas with a higher coyote density, habitat largely determines how many can be sustained—aside from outliers like feedlots or carcass piles. Personally, I’d rather hunt more open terrain with fewer coyotes than thick, brushy areas along rivers where their numbers might be higher. In open areas, I can set up my stands to create better shooting opportunities. In contrast, coyotes in dense cover get conditioned more quickly—not necessarily because they’re smarter, but because they’re easier to call in yet harder to see. Many hunters call in thick areas and assume nothing responded, when in reality, the coyotes came in, but they never saw them— the coyotes already got their wind from a previous hunt and are just not buying what they are selling...
I’m not saying it’s inaccurate, but it Oklahoma ranks second to last in coyote population, just ahead of Delaware. It’s difficult to gauge population by state since state sizes vary, which skews the numbers. I’d like to find a reliable source that documents coyote density per square mile.

I often hear the phrase, “You just hunt in an area overrun with coyotes.”

OKRattler, do you think our area is truly overrun with coyotes? How often do you see one while driving down the road?

I live in the country and commute an hour to work Monday through Friday. My route takes me through some of the land I hunt, often in the early morning when coyotes are most active. I’m constantly scanning the fields, and while I do spot them occasionally, it’s only one every few months. We have a solid coyote population, but only a fraction of them have never encountered hunters. Even those that haven’t been called before have established social structures that shape their behavior—some are naturally more timid, others more bold. But to suggest that coyotes from one region are inherently more intelligent than those from another? I personally don’t see any probable basis for that.

Even in areas with a higher coyote density, habitat largely determines how many can be sustained—aside from outliers like feedlots or carcass piles. Personally, I’d rather hunt more open terrain with fewer coyotes than thick, brushy areas along rivers where their numbers might be higher. In open areas, I can set up my stands to create better shooting opportunities. In contrast, coyotes in dense cover get conditioned more quickly—not necessarily because they’re smarter, but because they’re easier to call in yet harder to see. Many hunters call in thick areas and assume nothing responded, when in reality, the coyotes came in, but they never saw them— the coyotes already got their wind from a previous hunt and are just not buying what they are selling...
I eluded to this in an earlier post here, but I'm certain this data is trash. I've never seen any coyote populations data that I thought was even semi-accurate. Oklahoma has some of the highest densities in America. When I made the post above, I almost mentioned you. If Oklahoma has 750 coyotes, seems like you're killing 50% of the population by yourself, meanwhile folks are bringing in hundreds of dead coyotes to tournament check it's every weekend. I don't think there is any malice attached, but the data just doesn't exist. Nobody is paying what they would have to pay to determine actual statewide coyote populations. Their numbers are not a concern to anyone except people like us. I've hunted coyotes all over America, and the rocky mountain range and the great plains have the highest densities in America, by a landslide. The best way to determine this is tournament check ins. When the best local hunters are averaging 50 coyotes for a weekend tournament, it's because they have 10 times as many coyotes as a state like North Carolina where the best team will have 5 or 6 in the same time frame. The hunters in Texas aren't better than they are in Pennsylvania, they just don't have near the population. I can and have proven this by hunting out west. I can show up in one of the aforementioned states and use the same tactics that work here, and I pile them up. It does take a little figuring out, as far as finding what terrain is holding them etc., but I've called more coyotes in a 3 day period in New Mexico than I have in TN in any 6 month period. Al Morris made a show here in TN, more than a decade ago. He hunted a piece of public that I deer hunt on. It's 10 miles from my house. I think they hunted some private in the same area. He hunted a full week from daylight to dark and shot (corrected) 3 coyotes. It's available on YouTube. I'm sure big AL wishes it wasn't still available. Now, I'll tell you that our populations are growing. Coyotes didn't migrate here until the 80's. In 1991 when I killed my first one, most people I knew had never seen one and didn't even know they lived here. There are exponentially more now than there were even 10 years ago. We just got a limited night season implemented about 6 months ago as a reaction to the population explosion, but it's still a fraction what it is in Oklahoma. I hunt over 50k acres scattered all over the state, as well as MS and AL, (I live 10 miles from either state line), and I call coyotes 100+ days a year. I'd say I'm fairly in tune with the local coyote populations, but a couple times a year I make trips out west, and I burn through some ammo..
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