Check out what California is trying to do. Thoughts?

I’m in NY, and we have a season that runs from October 1st through March 31st. This California move sounds exactly like our “off season” rules for taking nuisance animals on private property. A farmer protecting their livestock or property is, by law, supposed to wait for a problem to arise before taking action. It’s pretty ridiculous to think you need to lose a calf or a pile of lambs or fowl before you’re allowed to take action.

Get out and make noise California sportsmen. NY pretty much tries to follow suit with whatever BS California comes up with, so it isn’t going to be a big surprise when this comes our way. It will probably be under the guise of protecting wolves. There’s bills in play now about requiring any coyote taken over 50lbs needs to be DNA tested. Stupidity at its finest. Good luck!
I’m in NY, and we have a season that runs from October 1st through March 31st. This California move sounds exactly like our “off season” rules for taking nuisance animals on private property. A farmer protecting their livestock or property is, by law, supposed to wait for a problem to arise before taking action. It’s pretty ridiculous to think you need to lose a calf or a pile of lambs or fowl before you’re allowed to take action.

Get out and make noise California sportsmen. NY pretty much tries to follow suit with whatever BS California comes up with, so it isn’t going to be a big surprise when this comes our way. It will probably be under the guise of protecting wolves. There’s bills in play now about requiring any coyote taken over 50lbs needs to be DNA tested. Stupidity at its finest. Good luck!
There is going to be allot of fight for this. Just hope it will be enough.
Im only back in this state for a short time but I still hate to see it going this way
Some of the regular anti-hunting groups here in NM are trying to get the Game Commission to ban coyote hunting in the wolf reintroduction area to prevent incidental killing of wolves by coyote hunters. Of course, as far as anyone knows, that has never happened. Just another attempt to reduce/restrict hunting opportunity.
Woke ideology has embedded employees in all levels of government(especially public education). protected their "thought processes" and actions from taxpayer action by public unions. Why do you think US taxpayers paid billions around the world to promote DEI/CRT. Obama/Biden administrations are to blame. Leftist states followed along for their share of the money.
CA needs a 9.0 earthquake ASAP. I loathe and hate that state with every fiber of my soul. I lived there for 62 years and then escaped to America / Idaho.

I used to love to jackrabbit hunt with my AR15. I would walk 4-5 miles in the desert getting up to 20+ jackrabbits a day in a good season. Then, the communists passed the lead ammo law. I completely ignored it.

Knowing the people that run that state, I fully expect this to happen. Derbyacres is not going to be happy.
What a crock...................Are you required to carry scales and weigh each coyote?
No Clarence, not yet anyway. :rolleyes: It all stems from a guy that killed a very large “coyote” and plastered it all over social media. State got involved and tested it and it came back as a wolf, or mostly wolf. Anti’s have been all over coyote hunting since as well as wolf advocates. Some politicians got involved and drew up a bill that says any coyote over 50 lbs needs to be reported and submitted for DNA testing. To my knowledge it hasn’t passed yet. I know in the trapping regs, if you have a canine over 4.5’ in length and over 50 lbs, it says to contact the D.E.C. Before dispatching it.

If this becomes law, and coyote hunters comply with this, they need a slap!

Edit… I may have misspoke about trapping regs, but it is on the D.E.C. website in this helpful description of a coyote. Lol.
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CA needs a 9.0 earthquake ASAP. I loathe and hate that state with every fiber of my soul. I lived there for 62 years and then escaped to America / Idaho.

I used to love to jackrabbit hunt with my AR15. I would walk 4-5 miles in the desert getting up to 20+ jackrabbits a day in a good season. Then, the communists passed the lead ammo law. I completely ignored it.

Knowing the people that run that state, I fully expect this to happen. Derbyacres is not going to be happy.
Dave where were ya from there?
Some of the regular anti-hunting groups here in NM are trying to get the Game Commission to ban coyote hunting in the wolf reintroduction area to prevent incidental killing of wolves by coyote hunters. Of course, as far as anyone knows, that has never happened. Just another attempt to reduce/restrict hunting opportunity.
If coyote hunter shoots a wolf. It’s not by accident that’s for sure
CA needs a 9.0 earthquake ASAP. I loathe and hate that state with every fiber of my soul. I lived there for 62 years and then escaped to America / Idaho.

I used to love to jackrabbit hunt with my AR15. I would walk 4-5 miles in the desert getting up to 20+ jackrabbits a day in a good season. Then, the communists passed the lead ammo law. I completely ignored it.

Knowing the people that run that state, I fully expect this to happen. Derbyacres is not going to be happy.
Can we just take the eastern side of state and have it adopted by the neighbor states.
I’m young enough and my jobs about over and I’m going to escape again