Can’t shoot’em, trap’em

That’s interesting. Wonder if that shield is what keeps the deer in? We’ve seen deer on camera in his, but just pics and they always jump out.
Heck, if that’s all it takes, folks down here will be thinning their deer herds, lol.
Yep it does that shield keeps everything in. That’s basically what we do here. We typically kill around 3k pigs a year in my county.
I’m getting some individual pigs on camera but none on my bait sites and they’re passing within 50yds or so. I think they’ve been around when others have died or even after 20+” of rain that dead hog smell is still there. The dang deer don’t seem to mind it though, lol. I mean every where I’ve killed pigs in the last year they are avoiding. Craziest thing I’ve seen. Before this I could shoot on one site and 3 nights later they or a different sounder would be right back at it.
When we get some of these fields harrowed up it’ll definitely makes things better for hunting…both coyotes and hogs.
I have quit Trapping Hogs got sick of moving Traps around, now I bait Hogs and move the bait site's around works better and is easier for me, I Choot them. Murl B.
We try and trap…if that doesn’t work, then I shoot. If it’s not worth moving the trap, number of pigs, then I’ll just shoot. I prefer the shooting, but the ultimate goal is to remove them from the property.
Unfortunately I got too good at it or scared them all away, lol. The manager has been blocking the 2500ac and said he found one little spot they’d been rooting but according to the cameras it looks like just a couple boars moving through and we’ll go a week or two between pics despite have multiple bait sites. Deer are eating it all vs the hogs even showing up. Sounders will move in eventually, but I killed a pile last year and several at the beginning of this year.
With deer season about to start there’s probably feed all over on the other properties, so it could push some around if they start shooting them.
Landowners are happy, but it sucks for me!!
Spurchaserl, Sounds like you're getting the job done either way, it's easy for me to throw a couple of bags of corn on my Jeep and bait and shoot than move traps, if the pigs get real bad on one of the Ranch's we use a Helicopter and shoot them from the air, you would be surprised how many pigs and Coyotes you can get in day. Murl B.
We have some natural fields we’ll harrow up a week or so before quail season starts which will definitely move some predators and hogs around if they’re living in them.
Mr. Larry is part time help like I am and shot 7 out of one field from the tractor last year while harrowing. They didn’t want to leave their cover, lol. Some of these fields are 5ft tall.
We harrow every Fall mainly to get the quail out of them. It makes for good hog/coyote hunting too.