Caliber rifle for calling Mt. Lions

I'm not an expert in any manor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn when I went to a Rainshadow seminar. He likes a fast stepping midrange cartridge and thinks the shock factor on a cats nervous system is important.

The few times I've gone out I carried a 250 Savage and 25-204 , 87gr Hotcores and 100gr Partitions.

Good luck on your hunts.
I wouldn't worry about the 223 for a sec. But I'd still take my 243 min, don't have a 223! My grandfather told me years ago to use a 22 LR. His notion was if you shoot one out of a tree and it hit the ground alive it could tear up some dogs, but, shoot it with a 22 LR and it won't knock them out of the tree. Then the lion doesn't fall till its dead! Makes pretty good sense to me but I'd still use my 243! Grandpa hunted them when dogs were still legal to use. He died about 1972 at 89 yrs!
Last lion i killed was with a 223 / 62gr tgk. Did 2 quick leaps and landed dead right there less than 20 yards away. The cats ive killed with .243 / 95gr fed fusion werent any deader. Either gun works, just use good bullets. Im going out to call lions this weekend, ill be bringing my 223 with 77gr tmk.
Last lion i killed was with a 223 / 62gr tgk. Did 2 quick leaps and landed dead right there less than 20 yards away. The cats ive killed with .243 / 95gr fed fusion werent any deader. Either gun works, just use good bullets. Im going out to call lions this weekend, ill be bringing my 223 with 77gr tmk.
keep us posted please.

i am seriously thinking about an AZ lion hunt, you can get the tags over the counter :)
Idaho also has otc tags. As do washington and oregon, but no hounds allowed, and wa has just screwed up our cougar regs big time. Idaho you can run hounds though, although i dont think a nr could just buy a tag and show up with dogs, i believe nr hound permits are limited. Youd likely have to do a guided hunt to hunt with dogs in idaho.
Only on this site will everyone recommend the smallest caliber no matter what the game is, lol.
Hunting elephants….22LR
Cape Buffalo….223 and they won’t go 50yds.
Personally I’m taking the largest caliber I own and still hit where I aim and be prepared to take a second shot if needed.
Maybe mountain lions ain’t all that, but I’m still taking the largest caliber. If I get killed I don’t want anyone saying what was he thinking shooting that thing with a pea shooter.