BOG Tripod

I look at it this way, buy what you can afford and run it. Practice with it so that you'll use that gear to the best of your ability. When you upgrade you'll notice the differences and if it truly is a better product, you'll be that much better with it.

For example, I used a cheap monopod from Walmart for years and years. Never thought anything of it and shot very well off of it. A buddy of mine gave me a Harris Bipod so I started using that. After shooting my first coyote off of them I wondered why I hadn't used those since the beginning. It was so much steadier and I really thought "this feels like cheatin." In my opinion I'd much rather learn that way so that I can use whatever, whenever, wherever and be just as good with one as I am the other.

If I'm calling and forget shooting sticks, what's it to me to grab a forked branch, break what I don't need off and rest my gun in it? It don't mean nothin but a dead coyote if one comes in because I've already used that setup for years.
What is your opinion on BOG tripods?

To answer your question...

I have three of them so I like them and think that they are fine. The three that I have are very sturdy. If I need to change the cant on my rifle I just loosen up the clamp a little then cant my rifle as needed.

Now to get into the other discussion.

IMO the tripod conversations are like the old Mathews bow threads back in the day. Someone would ask about the PSE WhackAdeer and instead of people actually answering the question you'd get 100 people telling you how much better their new Mathews is.
IMO the tripod conversations are like the old Mathews bow threads back in the day. Someone would ask about the PSE WhackAdeer and instead of people actually answering the question you'd get 100 people telling you how much better their new Mathews is.
I will say that tri-pod discussions definitely bring out the "snobs" more so than anything I've seen in predator hunting. You'd think it would be the call, or the thermal, but I'd say without a doubt it's the tri-pod. Similar to your Mathews analogy, it's as though if you're not running a $1k plus tri-pod, they turn their nose up at your set-up as if it's junk šŸ™ƒ
I will say that tri-pod discussions definitely bring out the "snobs" more so than anything I've seen in predator hunting. You'd think it would be the call, or the thermal, but I'd say without a doubt it's the tri-pod. Similar to your Mathews analogy, it's as though if you're not running a $1k plus tri-pod, they turn their nose up at your set-up as if it's junk šŸ™ƒ
Pretty sure the PSE WhackAdeer was discontinued because when you bumped it, the sight would wobble around for 5 minutes? šŸ¤£

Buy the best you can at that price point with the features that best fit your needs. Or, just buy whatever you want to spend your money on. In the end, itā€™s your money and your tripod.

Iā€™ll say outright that my tripod is far from top tier. I opted to pay around $600 on my setup, which was more in line with what I wanted. Itā€™s much lighter than the BOG DG and has an integrated ball head design. I Run ARCA, but also have a clamp if I want to run a different gun thatā€™s not setup.

I got what works for me at a price I was comfortable with. And I somehow did it without being a snob and talking like Thurston Howell III, or caring what others use.
I've yet to miss a coyote that I can blame on an "inferior" product that's not a $1500 setup.

The miss with a $1500 setup comes from having the pinky in the air......šŸ˜€
There is a lot of good information in this thread. I can only speak of my own exp and can say that each time I moved up to a better unit I thought I was set. My kill to shot ratio went up, but I am getting old and not as steady as I used to be. Any thing is better than nothing. I don't think it is about being a "snob" but more about learning what is out there. If I knew several years ago what I know now I would be $$$$ ahead.
The problem with the big tripods is their weight and bulk for carrying in the field. And now you need to take a chair as well. And if you have a chair you might as well take a couple beverages, so you'll need a cooler too. And if you are taking a cooler then you obviously need to take food. If you are planning on eating food you might as well have good food, so youll need a small portable grill. And if you are taking a grill you might as well invite a couple friends. And now your coyote hunt has turned into a tailgate.

So might as well just use a fork stick
The problem with the big tripods is their weight and bulk for carrying in the field. And now you need to take a chair as well. And if you have a chair you might as well take a couple beverages, so you'll need a cooler too. And if you are taking a cooler then you obviously need to take food. If you are planning on eating food you might as well have good food, so youll need a small portable grill. And if you are taking a grill you might as well invite a couple friends. And now your coyote hunt has turned into a tailgate.

So might as well just use a fork stick
And don't forget the toilet paper.....ha ha.....
They get a lot of crap, but I don't think they are that bad. Yes, if you are on uneven ground your cant will be off as you rotate.. I did do the arca/swivel head upgrade (many versions on youtube) on mine, but that was more because I was bored and like projects. But for a starter/cheap tripod it's fine imo.
i forgot i did use a clamp style head to hold my gun in place while walking with the tripod over my shoulder. it was the vyce by really right stuff. gun never moved.