BOG Tripod

bog death grip works good for me. i dont use it at night for predators, just during the day for deer.

Haha, gonna get a lot of hate on them from this crowd.
I have one and put a Little Crow Gunworks ball head on it and like it. At the time I couldn’t afford an expensive tripod, but wanted something that would “hold” my gun vs something with just a V and I have to constantly maintain contact.
Other than weight maybe I don’t really understand why the hate on them. If you look around there’s several discussions on tripods and some great/expensive tripods mentioned.
Yep... Like Spurchaser said, there's a lot of hate for them. I personally had a carbon death grip for 2 or 3 hunts and sent it back and looked elsewhere. Not out of hate. I just disliked it for a couple reasons. The Death Grip clamp is a very heavy unit for one. And two, it lacked the freedom of a ball head with only 2 axis adjustments. Vertical and horizontal. If not setup perfectly level, your rifle doesn't remain level when you rotate to track an animal. If you really need to make a move where you pick up your entire tripod/rifle and rotate 180 degrees or something on uneven terrain you need to readjust the legs to get level again.

I believe you can get a BOG now with a ball head that eliminates these concerns. Or upgrade the head as Spurchaser has done. It'll hold your gun and provide support. There are certainly lighter and stiffer options to be had. Generally at a pretty significant cost increase. I suggest you do as Spurchaser has mentioned and do a forum search for tripods. A lot of input from members on all levels of tripods. Good luck!
My 1st tripod, when I transitioned from a bipod, was with a BogPod, which was before the clamp tops.

I cut 2 spacers from an old ethafoam broadhead target, & black taped them to the insides to make a form fitting top.

Just enough tension that I could leave the gun unattended, but still pull it out quick if needed.

Worked great until I went to tripods with Arca plates.


I use a shadowtech with Arca mount on rail. It's the short version mean lt for sitting crouching. Sorry for the clutter in my home. Wife things.
I use a Bog Pod Deathgrip for night huntin. It's kinda heavy but not terrible. I know after using a monopod to shoot off of for years it feels like cheating when you get 3 feet to rest on and a clamp to hold your gun for you. It makes the killin part pretty easy.
It’s an easy choice if you’re able to compare them side by side to a better quality Tripod like a Two Vets. I say Two Vets because that’s what I have. I know some like to keep the cost down, but if you were able to compare them it would be an easy choice. Unfortunately, buy once -cry once applies to Tripods. JMO
Unfortunately, buy once -cry once applies to Tripods.
I'll agree. I went from bipods, to the Bogpod I mentioned above, then on to several tripods to get to where I am now.

Everyone's different in regards to budget and usage that has to be taken into consideration.

I just spent a couple hours on the phone with a buddy from out east wanting to get into tripods. I covered everything I've went through, & made the suggestion on what I have & why. He decided to wait till the big outdoor show so he could finger all the options out there.

Then I get an email that he just bought a Bogpod Deathgrip for $200, and seems pleased with his decision.
I like the bog too. However I have added an amazon ball head and it is even better now. You can add a arca to the vice or just put an arca adapter on you gun and take the vice off


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i have an arca swiss type mount on my field optics tripod that i use for predators. i lock the rifle onto the mount, pick up the tripod with rifle in it, put it over my shoulder and off we go. i wouldnt try it with a clamp style mount like the death grip.
For now I've modified an aluminum bog to use a 75mm leveling bowl and ARCA plate. It feels very solid to me but I need to compare sxs with my buddies new 40mm legged Fatboy copy with a Fatboy leveling head with the clamp lever underneath. I saw a neat video on testing tripods, he clamped the rifle in, centered on a target, and watched so see how fast it settled back down after being bumped. A weak one continued to oscillate for a long time while a Fatboy settled right down. The other part of it was how much the rifle sagged when the leveling bowl or ball head is clamped solid.

I don't mind my bog legs, but I would never be able to go back to the death grip part of it. And I'll most likely upgrade next winter. Need to recover from buying the Ace and a new Roughneck lol.
I have a BOG carbon and an Innorel carbon tripod. Also have a BOG aluminum.
The BOG carbon 3 section leg diameters measure 1.475, 1.243 and 1.105 outside.
The Innorel 4 section leg diameters measure 1.675, 1.412, 1.273 and 1.135 outside diameters.

I still use the two BOG's but the Innorel is a more stable platform. I believe larger diameter legs are stiffer.
I started out with the BOG Deathgrip. I don't think there is anything wrong with it if that's where your budget is. I finally got to the point where I wanted something lighter and upgraded to a carbon fiber tripod, and I put a leveling head on it after reading some posts here. I really like it and am happy with the upgrade, but I don't think the BOG was ever costing me coyotes.
I have a BOG carbon and an Innorel carbon tripod. Also have a BOG aluminum.
The BOG carbon 3 section leg diameters measure 1.475, 1.243 and 1.105 outside.
The Innorel 4 section leg diameters measure 1.675, 1.412, 1.273 and 1.135 outside diameters.

I still use the two BOG's but the Innorel is a more stable platform. I believe larger diameter legs are stiffer.
Physical weight is part of the equation as well.

The Innorel 90 with a 55mm ball head was great for playing, but was far more than I ever wanted to pack for hunting.

I did drop down to the 80mm version, but ultimately sold it due to the odd notch placement of the legs while sitting. 1st notch was too steep, 2nd was too splayed out. The Leofoto legs for me are money.
What we need(to do) is compile a list of best of tripods by price under 200,350,500,750+ and easy mods/accessory items for them. There are several tripods I would like to have(lighter weight,leg configuration, easier setup) but these don't guarantee more dead coyote or even a better shooting experience. I do believe price point is important to the majority of customers.
I do believe price point is important to the majority of customers.

Ultimately, for me, it came down to every other aspect too, which is physical weight, folded length, extended length, weight capacity, & the notch angles, along with how I hunt & how far from the truck.

Don't dismiss the age factor of hunters and/or their health, & how deep are their pockets.

There is no one answer, what works for you, may not be the best choice for others.

Like most things we buy, it's always a compromise of some sort.