Bobcat from last night.

Growing up on a farm I think you get used to eating all kinds of stuff people think is weird. I remember a buddy coming over for dinner when I was younger and we were having beef tongue. He went three shades of green. My grandma used to say the only part of the pig you can’t use is the squeal.
A friend and I were quail hunting down towards Lake Mojave , south of searchlight,nv one day. Caught something waddling down a dry wash. By the time my friend could say, "what the f was that?"
I had the truck stopped, jumped out and had 2 rounds of #8 shot in it. Friend asked if it was a badger. Nope, porcupine! Not a tree in a million miles and never seen one in southern Nevada my entire life nor since. Had it mounted and in my living room for years.