
Hey Gobblergetter,
How about you and I sneak over to Scalloper's place and get that lobster before the yotes do? We could eat on that thing for days.

I set the camera yesterday evening and got the two photos I posted earlier, one with me in the scene. I returned this afternoon to check it out, and deliberately walked in front of it to get a photo of me. I retrieved the card in the camera and replaced it with another one, and noticed the pink photo when I got home. The two photos it took yesterday evening were pretty good, especially since it was getting late in the evening.

The camera sat all night without action until I tried it this afternoon, getting the pink photo. Maybe the cold got to it. I hope it doesn't continue that, or not often at least.

I hate to hear you aren't able to use anything other than a rimfire, but the .17 HMR will still drop 'em with head shots. I'm like you in that the HMR is more accurate than a .22 mag, making head shots much easier. Don't get me wrong, I like the .22 mag, but the HMR is just more accurate and I have more faith in it. A lot of game has been taken with small calibers and bullets placed where they need to go.

We shot groundhogs this past summer with rimfires, mainly the .17 HMR and .22 mag. Some of the HMR shots were around the 100 yard mark and one or two over that. Both cartridges were effective. We took several with head shots from the HMR, and ALL were DRT at the scene. The .22 mag worked ok, but wasn't as accurate in general, so we mainly had body shots with it - 40 gr. Winchester Super X HP mostly. Several of the body-shot groundhogs ran a distance, dead on their feet, but ran nonetheless. The head-shot hogs with the HMR dropped right there.

Groundhogs are not as large as coyotes, but they can be tough little critters and take some solid hits and still run to the den. If there's any comparison to be made by our experience this past summer, I would say the HMR will collect coyote pelts for you, provided you do you part putting that tiny little bullet where it needs to go.

Be sure to keep us posted. I'm anxious to see photos and read about dead coyotes with your rifle.


Shootem in the eye! I use to practice at night using two Thumb Tack Reflectors set at 2.5-3" apart on cardboard. Setem out at various ranges and aim between them using your red light,They realy shine like a Yote. Its alittle differant but you get real good at it...:)
I say Shootem in the eye if your shooting a 17HMR or ot may bounce of the forhead.
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6mm06 said:

Does the camera have the capability of taking both stills and video, or does it have to be set for only one? I haven't learned a lot about it just yet, just enough to set it. I have it set for photos right now.

You would have to set the camera for one or the other. I truely have not set my x6c, to anything other than video's. I like to see action vs. stills. And as far as the pink photo...mine does that from time to time. I think that the SD CARDS, from time to time, need reconfigured. My windows 7 does it for me.
I also have the camera set for High everything: resolution,30 sec reset, etc. I think it was Jackindistress that said,"don't bring the camera inside to change sd cards". They thaw out and then leave moisture inside the lens. only to freeze later.
He's right...
Originally Posted By: weaponx
6mm06 said:
I think it was Jackindistress that said,"don't bring the camera inside to change sd cards". They thaw out and then leave moisture inside the lens. only to freeze later.
He's right... No Weaponx that was me! I have done it and learned the hard way.

also I set mine for 5 mega pixels,8 is to grainy. and I wouldn't set mine for the next shot any quicker than 1 minute,it gives the Ir time to recoup. Otherwise on mine I will get Black or Dark Vid/Pics.
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Maybe the pink photo is just a deal that doesn't happen often.

As to the camera, I took it to the field yesterday evening and it's been there since, haven't taken it into the house or any warm place. The first two photos were good.

I'm anxious to see what happens in a few days, hopefully some good photos.
Sorry WB45. Forgive me...I knew when I read that info. I had done it and suffered the consequences...It's like a light went on..........Thank you...
Originally Posted By: weaponxSorry WB45. Forgive me...I knew when I read that info. I had done it and suffered the consequences...It's like a light went on..........Thank you... No problems! Just didn't want confusion
David- A lobster run to Scalloper's does sound good. "coyote bait"- he's funny.
Weapon hit on a good point about the SD cards in the game cams. The SD cards will store little bits of information on them when used in devices. Sometimes if you view the pictures or videos on your comput. then just erase them, some of the data may not be completly taken off the card and may cause a glitch in the game cam next time its used. Also, if you use that SD card in different devices the SD card will store info from one device that may cause a malfuntion when inserted into another device. I've now gotten into the habit of just formatting my SD card after viewing the pics/vids each time.
Jim- the Primos TC 60 camera you and I have has a format option on the camera. The folks at Primos said it is still best to format the cards on the computer. Perhaps that feature on their camera is not quite up to snuff yet. ? Ya'll know how disappointing it is to pop that card into a reader of some sorts, only to find botched up or no pictures at all. Come on, those who have run cameras a time or two know the feeling. . . like when you were a kid and the box of Cracker Jacks you just opened had no toy surprise inside
. . .um-hum, that's the one.
Went out this morning for a short set,6 degrees wow my toes got cold.
Anyway I ordered a trail cam Reconyx HC 600 hyperfire high output covert IR no red glow with two 8gb cards and NIMH batteries.
I am as DUMB AS A DOOR KNOB when it comes to this kinda stuff so I hope I can lean on you fellas to help me figure out how to run it when I get it.
I ordered it from Cabelas and it is on back order so it will be some time until I get it.
This will be placed at my bait pile to help see what time of day they move the most.
Griz- The Reconyx has gotten some good reviews. Its supposed to have one of the highest trigger speeds. That's a nice camera. Post some pics when you get it going.

Nice site, Jim. Hopefully you will get some good replies with photos and stories.

I meant to ask you about the window in your building. What kind is it? You probably said way back in the post somewhere, but I'm too lazy to go back and search.

I'm thinking about what kind of window I need if and when I decide to build a permanent hunting blind. I do video work sometimes, so I need a window that is long (side to side) so the camera can be put into use. I generally sit with the camera to my right, beside me, so a good long left-to-right view is needed for both camera and rifle.

Any suggestions on a window or a design that will be quiet and not spook the yotes?

Well Grizhunter,that is going to be a NICE camera! I have heard they are the best..Might think about the lock box for that bad boy. Can't wait to see the pic's from that. Maybe turn it to video once or twice. If it has it..

Last night there was a lot of coyote movement. My dog was barking and the 'yote alarm was going off! I was out there for 5 hours and could only shoot once at a dog. Took a shot with Hornady 55 gr. v-max's. AGAIN....Another run-off! I'm putting those junk things away. And yes, I sighted my rifle in the other day. It's on! Maybe I'm not, but it

But I did draw blood......

Not sure what is going on with your V-Max. I have used them for several years and have had really good results with them. I shoot them out of 223 and 22-250 and usually the coyote is DRT. Maybe try a soft point instead of the plastic tip?? They are harder to get a good hit on at night.
I meant to tell you I got the 24x11 clear. You can get one up to 48x11 clear or gray. I prefer the clear. They are very quite when opening.

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Originally Posted By: Jackindistressweaponx,
Not sure what is going on with your V-Max. I have used them for several years and have had really good results with them. I shoot them out of 223 and 22-250 and usually the coyote is DRT. Maybe try a soft point instead of the plastic tip?? They are harder to get a good hit on at night.

Thanks JID....They have performed less than expected.I just bought a bunch of Whinny white box 45grainers\hollow. They have been,"Life takers and heart breakers". But I thought i would try the Hornady's. Just an experiment to see what works and what doesn't. Not the end of the world...Hate wounding and loseing though..
Really not a whole lot of difference between the 2...


Also got a new Deke for breeding season. Looks good to me. I took it out last weekend. Didn't see any dogs. The 'coons looked at it and just walked off. like it was nothing.



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