
It surprises me that a post with 1,940 replies can have someone drawing the conclusion that it is common practice to shoot deer and leave them for bait only. It would take less than 2 minutes to see that is a ridiculous notion. Roads are full of kills for bait as well as meat stripped carcasses that most folks discard anyway. I keep the leg bones and shoulder blades from my deer as well as brisket scraps and bloodshot or bone fragged meat not fit for table fare. It stays in a trash bag in the freezer in the event I need trap bait or get a place to run a bait station.
I dont know that he implied people shot deer for bait.I kind of thought he might be saying wild dogs would get a taste for deer.To tell the truth, I dont really have a clue what he was saying.In a way he makes me feel good because I am a horrible speller and he made me look good.I spent most of my time in school day dreaming about being a hermit in Alaska.

Anytime I hear the word "ban" I seem to go into some sort of beastly trance. Amazing that one word sounds so ugly.

Alaska, now that's another subject to ponder.

JMark, you're a true outdoorsman. Most guys in school would be daydreaming about the girl sitting next to them.
Was feelin kinda low last week (have a torn up elbow), so picked up a new toy... Savage 17 hummer. Only model in stock was with the cheapo polymer stock - so I ordered a new laminate thumbhole from Boyds. Stock should be here on Monday, can't wait!

And as a happy coincidence, a fox started showing up at my bait pile a couple nights ago. Hope he stays around for a few more days, and I'll try doing some calling during daylight hours. (no night season here for them.) No signs of any more yotes since the last one ate a bullet.
... and, yes - fox is the largest critter I plan to shoot with it
You will like that 17 hummer! My buddy's dad has one and I swear you could shoot a fly between the eyes at 100 yards. I'm thinking about picking up the new 17 hornet they came out with. Anyone had the pleasure of shooting the 17 hornet yet?
I'm trying to abate my enthusiasm for the new .17 mag until the rifles are available to purchase. I might need to pick one up if the price is right. Then we'll see about the claim they can be used on yotes (as I'll have my 22-250 with me in case they can't)
Savage already has the walking varminter in 17 hornet. Basically it's just a necked down 22 hornet but the ballistics are supposed to compare to a .223. Not as much energy but I think it's going to be a [beeep] of a little shooter. I think I read somewhere that hornady worked with the development on it. I think I'm going to bite the bullet and purchase one of these in the near future.
If I were to be captured during war by my own troops and suspected as an enemy spy,I would fail all questions as to who won what world series,who,s quarter back was who,s and so on.But I would fire back my own questions like who was E.J.Daily or O.L. butcher,Or what state has the most lynx.I would ask what is a mossberg 640K and so on and hopfully some one would be smart enough to realize I had grown up with my nose in a fox or coon track and had no use for such foolishness as ball sports,and for that matter school which I hated with all my heart,all horrible 12 years of it.If I hadn,t stopped in Wis. and met my wife, I probably would have made my Alaska dream come true.Then again Id probably of ended up Grzzly poop.

E.J. Daily, O.L. Butcher, Pete Richard, Elmer Keith, Jack O'Connor, Bob Milek, Townsend Whelen and a long list of others. I could go on and on. Ah, those are names worthy of remembering.

I'm like you J. Mark, I had little use for bouncing some ball down a court, despite the PE coach desperately trying to get me to do it. I lived, hunted and trapped these mountains and have no regrets for doing it.
Been following this thread off and on for a while. I finally had a hog carcuss, what was left after I took all the edible meat off. I put it out about 100 yds from the house. Next day I got a call to work out of town. After a few days, I had my wife put a camera on it. Should have done it before I left but got in hurry to get to work. We finally have something coming other than 100 buzzards. I just got home today, he better look out.


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Weekender, you will get that one if he continues coming. Good luck and keep us posted. I assume you have a sensor set up to alert you at the house.
what model chamberlain are you guy,s using? My dakota 3000 is giving me far less range than stated. Dakota sell a 2500 that is suposed to work up to 2 miles.They have a handheld reciever thats totaly wireless.Does chamberlain have a wireless reciever? The Dakota 2500 is around $250.I may just have a faulty sensor as the one is working at 80 yd. the other only at around 50 yd. supposed to work to 600 ft.would apreciate some input.


I have tried four sensors at my bait sites in searching for something that works well. I even used the much more expensive Spypoint system, but it didn't work well for my needs. I still have it, but don't use it.

I tried the Chamberlain as well and it didn't work well for me, so I returned it for a refund. Others have reported good success with it and that's what led me to try it. It just didn't work well for me.

DoubleUP then told me about the Driveway Patrol he uses and how he modified it with antennas. I gave that a try and really liked it. I like it so much that I have since added two more units that operate on the same frequency, and have all three positioned at the 60 yard bait site. I have two directly pointing at the bait (from different angles) and yet another one downwind of the bait. I have found that every coyote approaches the bait from downwind. Nothing gets through without detection, not even a possum.

Only one of the transmitters has an antenna. The receiver in my cabin has an antenna.

I'm thinking the Driveway Patrol would work well for you if your bait site is not a great distance. I think DoubleUp has used his up to about 145 yards He may join in later and offer some information on that. The good thing is, they are cheap. I got two of mine on Ebay for something like $16.00 each. I contacted the seller first and made sure they worked on the same frequency, so I now have three and all work on the same frequency.

All three of my Driveway Patrols still cost less than one Chamberlain from most places.

6mm06 thanks for that info,Ill look them up.I just read a bunch of reviews for the Dakota HT-kit wich is a hand held base unit.All the reviews were good,very long range and dependable.Only negative was battery life on transmitters,but two of the guys wired them to 12 v lawnmore batteries and only have to charge them every 5-6 months.Cost is $157.99.The dakota 3000 I have may just have a weak battery in the one transmitter,Ill check it out tomarrow.I think Im going to send it back and get the longrange handheld dakota.Then I can go to remote sites with no power.I am so glad I found your thread and discusion on alarms.I use to get up all the time and look out,now I only get up when I have to relieve myself or hear the alarm.Its been quiet since I shot the last coyote except for the bobcat one night,but ussualy its a full week b or more before another coyote shows up. anyway I love it,thanks for the thread.