Coyotes are individuals for sure. Some tolerate lights, sensors etc. much better than others.
I've had coyotes not pay any attention to IR lights mounted over head in a tree (for night vision use),
yet others were scared out of their skins just by the light fixture being up there, even though the lights
weren't illuminated.
As to scent, that's always a possibility. However, I can say from all my trials-n-errors, I haven't really
noticed any coyote that I am aware of, be concerned over scent. Most seem to always look at the trail
camera IR red glow.
Maybe this one coyote is just the type of individual that is skiddish to begin with.
Your coyote doesn't like something, not sure what. Just a suggestion - if you think that one sensor
might be causing the problem, then take it down, but keep the other one and see what happens.
Where is the bait in the photo? Is the bait easy for the coyote to get?
Here's an example of one I had coming to the bait, scared of the lights in the tree. The lights weren't
illuminated, just up there.