
WTG David!!!!
But if thats the one you been playing with the last few months,Then that means you out of Yotes. LOL What Sex was it??? Again Good Shootin David
Congratulations David. I am so pleased for you knowing the time, money, effort and planning you have put into this project. Your dedication has paid off as I knew your determination would win through despite the obsicles and reluctance of those Coyotes to play ball.



Well done Mate.
Glad it finally all came together for you 6mm06! You certainly deserve it with all the time and effort you have put into it. Great video and pics. I really enjoy all your post! Thanks for sharing.
6mm06 that was great,
I've thought about that for a couple years. I couldn't get coyotes on camera very often, they spook at the flash, even with an IR model. Fox didn't care. This year I eliminated the camera and shot 3 coyotes in March once I commited to baiting again. Next year I'm going back to video on the trail cam and try to duplicate what you've done, great job.
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Way to go David, persistance pays off in the end. Our season ends middle of April, although with the nice weather we have been having the projects have appeared so not much time to sit anymore, but a few revisions are coming for next season.
Originally Posted By: DoubleUp6mm06, great work my friend. You got it all, and did it all alone. That is quite a feat to accomplish to film and shoot, and have it all come together with night vision.

Pretty coyote too, and it won't be the last one I think.

That is quite an accomplishment. To get all that done after just coming out of a slumber and not spook the already jumpy coyote is tough. Congrats David. Did you set your trail camera for D.S.T.? I agree, more light angled up the hill or farther around the bait, even if subtle, would be a big help. Now that you have succeeded, I see you re-Vance-ing the setup and improving on it more
. Lookout coyotes, 6mm06 and DoubleUp are the new creatures of the night.
6mm or Doubleup I'm being lazy and don't want to dig through this post, I have the Chamberlin Driveway sensor but have done nothing to modify it. Can you tell me about it?
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pmack, I don't have a Chamberlain, so I don't know how to modify it. Mine and the one I modified for 6mm06 were called Driveway Patrol Sensor and Alarm, I think. It was about $16 from Amazon. 6mmo6 did have a SpyPoint, but I don't know if he still uses it since I modified his Drive-way Alarm.

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Jeff, the yote was a male. I should have mentioned that in the earlier post. Not sure if it's the same one as the recent trail camera video clip I posted earlier, but it looks to be the same. For some reason, it was very skiddish this time. Could be a totally different coyote though. I hope so, because that means I still have more shooting opportunity.

VicFox, thanks. You know all about my setup since you saw it first hand last October, with the exception of the foam over the window, the idea that I have since borrowed from DannyK. I wish you had more time to have stayed at my place then. I was hoping you could have some experience with the night vision scope. Maybe your next trip to the US will allow some time for that.

Pmack, I purchased the Chamberlin alert last year and gave it a try. I wasn't very satisfied with it though I know that others have had good luck with it. Currently I am using the Driveway Patrol that DoubleUp modified for me. It works great and I love it. As to the SpyPoint, it cost so much more but was not so reliable for my intended use on coyotes. I think the SpyPoint would make a good deer alarm, however.

Corey, you are right about it being difficult to get up from a sleep, out of an air bed that pops and cracks when you move about (I'll hopefully remedy that soon with a mattress bed), walk across the floor that also wants to pop and crack a little, and shoot an already skiddish coyote at 60 yards. I can't give enough thanks to DoubleUp for the great Driveway alert, and DannyK for the window foam idea. Both are valuable. By the way, no, I failed to reset the cameras to Daylight Savings Time, so my sleepy eyes were correct after all. The time I was alerted that something was on the bait was 11:50 PM according to my watch.

Next year I plan to go into the season better prepared. I will have a hinged door that will swing over the window on the inside, and the foam will be attached to that. I will have a tight fit of foam to rifle / scope that is protruding out. No visible light will be seen from the bait site looking toward the cabin, even if I have the overhead lights on. I should be able to read or do whatever in the cabin without being seen from the outside. Inside from outside will be totally cut off except when looking through the night vision scope or video camera. I almost have that situation right now, since there is hardly any light seen from outside the cabin. But, I will make it totally invisible by next fall, hopefully.

As to a squeeky floor, I wish to get you guys opinion. I am thinking of of placing another plywood floor overtop of the existing one, glueing it down tight and also glueing where the pieces meet up, as well as drywall screws. Do you think that would stop the squeeking?

Glue then screws should take care of the squeaks. How are you putting your bait out. Are you tossing it from a distance from a gloved hand or are you going into your bait site and placing it. You may have them reluctant with your scent there. Only the ones use to it over time will act less skiddish I would think. Shooting a stinker and dragging him in there would be a good bait that would also cover your scent. The fox and coyotes here love them striped kitties for some reason and always clean up the ones I catch within a day or two. It's a good long distance call bait too. You can buy the essence from trapping suppliers if you can't find Pepe Le Pew in person.

Corey, I haven't seen a stinker for quite a while. There are normally several on the farm, but it's been a while since I last saw one. I know they are there since one was hit by a car a few days ago near the gate at the entrance to the farm.

Yes, I do walk up to the bait site, but use gloves to put out the bait. I also have to walk to the site to check trail cameras. You could be right about a new coyote that's not used to the site.

I plan to bait all summer and hopefully condition the coyotes to the site for a free meal, and also to any scent I might leave there. Hopefully next fall and winter they will know where to go to when their belly begins to tighten.

I'm thinking another layer of plywood glued down good would add rigidity to the subfloor. Do you think 1/2" plywood would be good enough?

Pmack, here is the sensor DoubleUp and I are using.


Modified transmitter mounted in plastic box with camo paint, antennas added to both
transmitter and receiver.





Volume adjustment device I got from Ebay. The beep from the Driveway Patrol is too loud,
so this device allows easy adjustment to whatever level you want. You must first modify
the receiver internally like DoubleUp did, by wiring up an external jack for the volume
control to connect to. Without the volume control, headphones or earbuds are much too
loud in your ear.


I use a cheap set of headphones when sitting around, but when going to bed I switch out to an earbud.



Outstanding! I'm really as well as other are to see all your hard work come together. I appears to me that you have an idea setup that's working. Now you just need to bait the pile and have at 'em.

Really nice job on the video and how cool is that, that your trail cam caught it on video as well.

You set the benchmark for others to follow.

That is a great video. Crystal clear. I have made a few over the past couple years. Nothing like yours though. I'm amateur, your a professional for sure. Check out my videos if you like.

Shot mine coming in on the bait. In this video there are two. I shot the closer, and second one to come in. About 60 yards with the 22lr

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Hey Ron,

Nice video. Looks like there may have been a second coyote out there, behind and to the left of the one you shot. Am I correct?

Thanks for your comments about my video. I do have others on YouTube if you want to check them out. Just type in Vance Video Productions and it will pull up several. Some videos are located in other places for some reason, seems I can't always get them to group together.

Keep after 'em.

Originally Posted By: 6mm06
Pmack, here is the sensor DoubleUp and I are using.

I have that and it didn't work. My bait is 110 yards away and there are trees that interfere. I never thought about modifying the antennas.

I switched to this and never looked back.

Thanks for the reply. It's funny I started doing this 3 seasons ago but hardly ever check this thread, I will now. I eliminated trail cams this year and finally shot a few coyotes. I want to go back to them and get a kill on video.
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Whatever works, works. For me personally, I tried the Chamberlain last year and it didn't work for me at a 60 yard site. I also purchased an expensive Spy Point that didn't work as well as the cheap Driveway Patrol that DoubleUp modified.

As to the trail cameras spooking coyotes, mine did in the video, but only for a moment and apparently not so much that he didn't return to the bait. I've used trail cameras for two years now and have taken a lot of coyote photos.

What I think would be interesting is to purchase one of the trail cameras that has sound and give that a try. The Moultrie M80 has sound and that's one I have been eyeing lately.
Pmack, when I first got the Driveway Alarm it would barely work at 85 yds and only intermittantly then. After the antenna additions, it easily picks up at 150 yds. Glad your Chamberlain works well for you.

Like 6mm06, I have literally hundreds of coyote photos since last May. Probably 40% of them were taken with an old Moultrie and regular flash. They soon get to where they don't even pay any attention to the flash.