
Hey thanks, ya'll. Most seasons all that I see is greys, maybe a red here or there, but this year I saw quite a few more reds especially towards the end of the season. What I've come to conclude in relation to baiting and the 2 types of fox is that the reds seem to come in sort of sheepishly and if they get spooked they are gone faster than green grass through a goose. And they may make an appearance again an hour later or more. The greys however, seem to run on off if startled, but will dilly-dally just out along the fringes then slowly but cautiously work their way back into shooting range or light range. So, yeah, I think after this past season I have come to the conclusion that the little greys are my favorite fox to hunt too. Just thought I'd share some of my observations.
Cool Picture.........Nice looking greys.......

Scalloper nice job on the double......wish some of the pack would stick around to let me get in some shooting after the first one!!!!!!
Is everyone using these sensor's or are some of you sitting at the baait waiting. I dont really have the option of setting a sensor. So whats ur way of knowing something is at the bait while ur sitting waiting? I made some great baitcicles and have 2 deer ready to go also. I am unsure of the best and simplest way to hunt it at night. I also plan on hunting in the day. I have seen a ton of trailcam pix with predators at them during daylight.

Oh yeah. About how long does it take these baitcicles to completly freeze? I have bone,meat,blood 3/4 to the top of a 5 gallon bucket . then filled it with warm water. I set it out 2 nights ago to start freezin. I read the biggest mistake by beginners is stickin them out prematurely.
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The sensor I have is wireless and runs on batteries both the sensor and the receiving unit can run on batteries. you can turn the sound off so just a small green light blinks when it is tripped. So this really allows you to bring and setup with it anywhere.
I don't have sensors on my bait piles, I will hunt the bait around dusk, seems that after laying up most of the day they come in to feed, although I have sat on bait mid day and got action, lots depending on weather.
got a sensor set up 2 nights ago, last night it goes off. i get into position and can see it through the scope but i cant identify what it is. fox season is open for 2 more days but i really dont want to shoot the fox. last year i had a pair on the bait and i am really hoping that they take up residence and reproduce. as soon as i got light on it, it was gone, gone before i could identify it. there was just not enough moonlight last night.
6724, what distance is the bait from your shooting location?

I'm finding that Gen 1 night vision will help a lot at closer ranges.
I had to bring in my sensor and take it apart. A green light on the Chamberlain alarm sensor blinks green when somthing trips it. "The Guid" sold me three sensors that he modified but the one that came with it new was scaring the coyotes,not all of the coyotes were spooked but 3 that I know of ran when the light blinked. So today I fixed that by placing a peice of tape over the light bulb.


Did you place a piece of electrician's tape over the bulb? I haven't received my Chamberlain yet, so will need to modify it as well. I assume it's easy to take apart.
hey Scalloper i have a similar setup and i love it when my wife says "hey your buzzer's going off" she can hear better than me anyway. just very cool!!!!!! your double sounds fantastic, my heart would have been pounding out of my chest
Night hunting ended here for public land on the 28th of Feb. Now we are legal to hunt private land only for night time, and day time shooting hours fall back to small game hours, sunrise to sunset. Did have at least one visit the new baitsicle.

Originally Posted By: 6mm06

Did you place a piece of electrician's tape over the bulb? I haven't received my Chamberlain yet, so will need to modify it as well. I assume it's easy to take apart.

Yes I did. When you take the sensor apart leave the batteries in then you will see the light and then cover it with a small peice of elect tape.
Originally Posted By: donlynchhey Scalloper i have a similar setup and i love it when my wife says "hey your buzzer's going off" she can hear better than me anyway. just very cool!!!!!! your double sounds fantastic, my heart would have been pounding out of my chest
Its great,I have had a blast. I have two sensors on my bait looking in different areas. Those beepers were going nuts. You can use upto 5 sensors on the Chamberlain
On Thursday night at 8:45pm I was at my camp with friends on a ice fishing trip,my wife called and said there was a big coyote feeding at the bait pile she watched it for 45 min. She shoots very well,so I asked her to shoot it,but she would not. She thinks they are beautiful and look to much like dogs,so that one got a free meal.