
Last night(11 pm) while driving home, I saw 2 groups of deer(7 and 8) near one group I saw 1 coyote. This morning I went out and asked if I could setup my blind and put what was left of a deer out in the pasture. The farmer said yes, wind will be blowing down the pasture to where I saw the coyote. Going out to watch/call tonight. When you guys talk about driveway sensors, are there battery/solar units that I could use in conjunction with my phone and pop-up blinds? Would want 600' operating range. Bait tonight is 138 yards.
Spot, I don't think I have ever seen a driveway alarm/motion sensor associated with a phone. On the other hand, most of your cellular and/or wifi cameras function with your phone.
The simple driveway alarms that I use have AA batteries in the sensors and a base station that will take either a plug for a wall outlet or AA batteries if you want to go mobile.
Hope that makes sense...
Spot, I don't think I have ever seen a driveway alarm/motion sensor associated with a phone. On the other hand, most of your cellular and/or wifi cameras function with your phone.
The simple driveway alarms that I use have AA batteries in the sensors and a base station that will take either a plug for a wall outlet or AA batteries if you want to go mobile.
Hope that makes sense...
So with batteries, I could have a monitor in the pop-up. And have up to 600 feet from sensor? In the blind now, just heard one.
Here ya go spot, you can adjust the sound level or have no sound and just a red light indicator. It has 4 channels which have different sounds. Two of the channels don't have the red light indicator in the sensor, use one of those or the red light will spook some predators.

It blocked my link to Amazon, go to and search for

1/2 Mile Hosmart Driveway Alarm Wireless Sensor System & Driveway Sensor Alert System Weatherproof Security Outdoor Motion Sensor & Detector​

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So with batteries, I could have a monitor in the pop-up. And have up to 600 feet from sensor? In the blind now, just heard one.
I have never seen a driveway alarm with a "monitor" unless it is a camera set up, which would be wifi or cellular.
Everything I use as far as alarms are driveway sensors which are alert tone only. No monitor.
Weekender is showing a good system there...
On another note...just killed another one for TWO today. Action packed!
7:44 this evening, the second one on the day came rolling in. .22-250 again at the 170 yd site.
Nothing like the horsepower of the 250. Enjoy...

Big toad male.
06, I'm really liking the Adder. The 4x base mag is great for my shooting distances. No need to zoom and lose resolution. Now, out calling, it's great, if you have a dedicated scanner. Panning with a rifle on 4x would not be fun. I'm using the shot activated record so I don't forget to hit the darn record button, lol, and that's a nice feature.
I'm still running my Rattler on a .223, and that is solid too. I like AGM so far.
Way to go bait, so I need to save for an Adder (I like the 4x, video) I put the driveway sensor in my cart. It is expandable,so probably 2or3 sensors. This one showed up after I left the blind last night.
Spot, that one must have been tipped off that you were leaving. Hopefully you can seal the deal soon.

Bait, I imagine the 4x Adder would still work good at a closer bait site like mine, around 60-80 yards. My ATN 4k Pro with base mag of 5x works great at 60 yards at a bait site.
I left about an hour early from the time I saw the coyote the night before while scouting. About 8pm I called using female howl/barks(wind was supposed to pickup around that time) hoping the coyote would show earlier. I had put some coyote urine and commercial predator bait out with the deer carcass, hoping to hold the coyote around long enough for a shot. I think it's pretty common for coyote to investigate the area around a new bait. Tonight I stay longer if needed. Sitting out with no moon/snow is pretty boring, can only see with the thermal or nv. Even a cheap pair of nv binos would be some entertainment.
Bait, I imagine the 4x Adder would still work good at a closer bait site like mine, around 60-80 yards. My ATN 4k Pro with base mag of 5x works great at 60 yards at a bait site.
Yes indeed. What I like is that you stay at full 384 resolution not having to zoom. You could count the hairs on his nose at 60 yds. :)
Started pulling the blinds today, ended up shooting a coyote Saturday and Sunday night. Both heavy rubs. If we get any precipitation, mud will be a problem. Last night I went to the newest pop-up site after the Mn Wild game. About 10:30 I scanned with the riflescope on the tripod. There were 4 in the plowed corn ground within 100 yards. I picked out what I thought was the largest and waited until it was standing broadside. Drt, tried 2 running shots on the escapees. But missed both. Watched one slow up and move across the field on the backside of a bushy fenceline. I ran the ecaller(pup distress) for abit, but it remained out in the field 5-6 hundred yards away. I got out took the tripod,rifle and squeaker call and walked a couple hundred yards to the fenceline. Watched and squeaked for 10 minutes, the coyote looked but didn't move towards me at all. I didn't try a shot. I'm done until next fall, unless someone has a problem coyote. My thermal will be making a trip to the manufacturer, looks like a pixel is dark(not working?) Not waiting as it seems like a month or 2 is not uncommon for repairs. For my 20p, the Berger 40 varmint bthp was by far the best performing bullet, all drt. 35 is excellent also. Close was the 40 Nosler bt, but often had coyote run a short distance 20-40'. No more 20 cal vmax for coyote. Didn't reach 50 this year, but learned more. Acquired more places and will need more blinds/bait next winter, hopefully the word of mouth introductions continue. I'm wondering if I can run 10 baits, if there is snow I think I can.
Can you give us some more insight into why you don't like 20 cal V-max's @spotstalkshoot . I got a 204 Ruger a couple months ago and the v-max bullets seems to be the only bullets I can find consistently.
Coyote shoulder/ribs/winter fur require a bit better jacket material, also the plastic tip is designed to accelerate fragmentation. You don't want the bullet fragmenting outside the ribs,shoulder. The distance of shots also come into play. Shot coyote with the Sierra 39 bk out of my 204R, very accurate but inconsistent penetration. I don't want 70% or 80% quality terminal performance, I want 90%+. I think the BIB 40 is probably the best bullet, but supply has been limited at best(my go to 204R coyote bullet). This will change if the fur market never comes back, I will go to a cheap,larger caliber(.224) bullet out of a 22-250. Currently I want no exit, no surface disruption.