New member
I went out today and did a little calling, haven't hunted this place in two years, its a backwaters of a dam, no real access to it except to walk the ice from the dam, several miles of twisting river backwaters, It is a great place to hunt when the ice is good and the snow isn't to deep so you can walk some. Lots of fingers leading into swampy areas holding rabbits and partridge with overlooking bluffs in some area's. I was set up on a bluff overlooking the river, had the caller going, wind is from the northwest, right to left in the video. no coyotes, but one hawk and one adult eagle, camera was mounted on top of the scope on the ar,(you can just see the end of the bbl in the video) still need to get something in to shoot to see how the camera system works. Rifle was in the shooting sticks so when I picked it up to get the hawk in the tree it spotted the movement and fled the scene.

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