
I went back this morning to the first post that Cougar Jim made requesting a Forum for Baiting in Dec. 2010. He was pretty much rebuffed and told there wouldn't be enough interest in it. So, Baiting has been relegated to the red-headed stepchild of coyote hunting. When I checked just as I began this post there had been 6,320 Replies and 13,128,348 Views covering 422 pages.

I'm pretty sure Cougar Jim has gone on to his final reward by now, but he knew a lot more about what would interest a segment of coyote hunters than some of the "experts".
I have often wondered if Jim was still around to see where this thread has gone. I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in a small way here. Thanks to all the contributors who keep this thread alive.

There is a wealth of knowledge shared within those 422 pages, and friendships developed here that will last a lifetime.
Yes, hats off to Cougar Jim, wherever he may be. He started a thread that tapped into a unique bunch of dedicated predator hunters who bait and wait.. across this country and beyond.It has been an informative and enjoyable 11 years!
Indeed a journey. Thanks to Cougar Jim where ever you may be. Something he may have never anticipated as well as the technology advances over the years that have added to and advanced this thread. Simply amazing. I enjoy being a part of it.
Well all, my season has closed. Have to say it was a fickle season at that. For Red Fox, November was slow as usual. Things picked up the first week of December then slowed again until the first 2 weeks of January. After that, only a couple but I was still pleased with my overall take.The highlight of the season for me was killing 1 of the 2 coyotes that showed up on Feb. 17th. Had no skunks show again this season and the possum numbers were less. What was most concerning was the lack of coons. I did not see any while hunting and my cameras only captured a few sporadically passing by the bait piles. I even pulled my traps early due to lack of participation. Very strange.

So the numbers totaled as follows:
Total hours on stand - 115.5
Red Fox-12
Coon-0 Trapped-1
Possum-6 Trapped-1

I always hate to see the season end, however, the end gives way to thinking about and planning for the next one.
Best of luck to ya'll who keep the bait piles going. I'll catch back up in the Fall!
It was spooky how few animals I saw this year also.

Trapped some skunks but that is it.

Still plagued by injuries but I did get out some.
31722130 by jrhranch, on Flickr

Snagged this male last night about 11:05 on my 130 yd site. 6x45 with 75 gr Speer hp. Dropped in his tracks, about a nickle sized exit. That 75 gr Speer has proven to be a hammer, but seeing an exit on 99% of them. Small for the most part, but it does pass through.
I was shooting my Pulsar Digisight NV. I do have a couple second video I still have to review. I did a rookie mistake...forgot to open the lense cap:(. These do have about 1/2" hole in the lense cap for day time use, I could see, but grainy. Finally figured out the problem...duh!!! So, will see how the vid looks and post up later.
Glad you got one BP. Been mighty slow for me on the pile this year with only 5 taken. My worst season in 10 years so far. Thankfully, I've killed some calling.
Good job BP

Slow here in Georgia this year as well.

Sporatic visitations and not as predictable as past years.

Maybe they're getting smarter
Just when I think my luck had run out, a new convert shows up tonight. I don't believe she had visited before so her first time was her last time. I saw her in the field but figured she would come to the bait pile since the scent was wafting over toward her.

I didn't have my rifle out of the gun safe so I had to open it, load the rifle, turn the scope on, open the bipod and start the recording. By the time I got all that done she had crossed the yard and had taken a piece of chicken and moved off a little. I had a good front on chest shot, but decided to wait thinking she would go back to the bait pile and give me a good broadside shot at 95 yds.

Instead, she didn't like something and started to leave. When she got out to about 125 yds. going along the side of my pond, I realized she wasn't coming back, at least not for a while. So I gave her a Texas heart shot, which knocked her down and then I finished her. Here is a picture from the Phenom thermal. I will post the video tomorrow.

#44a by Double Up, on Flickr

Nice going BP and DoubleUp. Sounds like the 75 Speer is doing a very good job. I shot Sierra 75 HP’s out of my 6x45 for several years. Did a good job on coyotes, and like your results, they always exited but with minor damage. Have since switched to 70 gr. Blitz Kings, which drop them on the spot most of the time, though I did have a couple of runners this year.

Thus far my coyote numbers stand at 7 for the season, which I started back in Sept. I am about to end it soon until this next Sept. Last season I ended in April with a total of 12. Coyote numbers seem to be down here as well. Haven’t seen one since the last I shot on March 1. Have been plagued this year with fox though, both red and gray.
