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022422 by jrhranch, on Flickr
170 yds with my 6x45 AR at 7:30 tonight. 75 gr Speer hollow point. Sorry, no video and this is the only pic I got, in my shed. So, my thermal is at Bering in CA. I had to go back to my Digital NV set ups. I will say that these digitals are driving tacks compared to what my thermal was doing. I haven't missed yet at the 170 on several test subjects including this coyote. So, its been working well. Having said that, we all know how well digitals work in moderate snowfall. It was a struggle with that IR lighting up the snowfall. It was an expedited retrieval before the snow covered up blood and tracks, so only one pic. He ran about 50 yds dead on his feet. Bullet passed through with about a 50 cent sized exit. My 6x45 is 100% so far. Good stuff.

170 yds with my 6x45 AR at 7:30 tonight. 75 gr Speer hollow point. Sorry, no video and this is the only pic I got, in my shed. So, my thermal is at Bering in CA. I had to go back to my Digital NV set ups. I will say that these digitals are driving tacks compared to what my thermal was doing. I haven't missed yet at the 170 on several test subjects including this coyote. So, its been working well. Having said that, we all know how well digitals work in moderate snowfall. It was a struggle with that IR lighting up the snowfall. It was an expedited retrieval before the snow covered up blood and tracks, so only one pic. He ran about 50 yds dead on his feet. Bullet passed through with about a 50 cent sized exit. My 6x45 is 100% so far. Good stuff.