
Winter Critter Gitter by jrhranch, on Flickr

Just been in the shop scrubbing guns. I just picked this one up last week that I had built. .22-250. Breaking in barrel now, so lots of scrubbing. A one off in color for sure, but just wanted something to break up in snow. White cerakote.

Bait, that is a very nice looking rifle. I like it. Too bad the critter activity isn’t focused on your bait site at the monent. Hopefully that will change soon.

Today I picked up a tube of the red RTV at Tractor Supply. I plan to dive into that sensor soon and see how it goes. Any particular way you specifically apply it to the light?
It should be an LED light...very small...I just used a toothpick and dabbed it on so that it stuck and covered the whole diode(LED). As thick as you can keep it so the light won't go through it. Keep me posted on the project. It really is quite simple/basic if you can get to the circuit board. Also, you won't have to buy a bunch of new sensors!
Originally Posted By: 6mm06
Thanks. Week, I know DoubleUp runs that brand of sensors, so I asked him the other day about it. He said some of his sensors light up and others don’t. Go figure.

After reading this, seems mine came with 2 with lighs and 2 without. I know the two I use on the bait don't have lights for sure.
Hello again All! I hope each of you have been well and your predator hunting productive. (I have a lot of reading to do on these pages to catch up with ya'll)

So, Halloween night (last night)was the opener for my fox season. I only have one bait site going because I am also deer hunting. As my freezer fills - I will add more predator bait sites.
A couple fox had been showing up at the one baited site, so I headed to my stand a little after 7:00pm. I got in the stand, hung up my gear and fired up my ATN X-sight on my rifle. I always take a look through the scope to make sure all is working o.k. Well this night I caught a glimpse of something through the scope which I first thought was a fox, but thinking it odd because I had just got to my stand. As I eased the gun to the left, there it was waling the perimeter of the bait site - A big 'ol coyote. Immediatley my heart rate doubled as I tried to control my breathing and keep the cross hairs steady. He made a turn back toward the bait pile and then stopped broadside with his head hiding behind a tree, but I could clearly see behind his shoulder. I pulled the trigger the coyote spun a couple times and then went down. It was a good shot. After that, most of it is a blur of exilaration, relief, and a strong sense of achievement.

The coyote is a fairly new species in my neck of the woods, (less than 20 years) I have been hoping to get one for several years now. And it finally happened - my first MD yote! I'm still on cloud nine!!
It was an adult dog weighing 31 lbs. He is in the hands of my fur handler who will skin it and send it out for tanning.

I have to thank you guys on this site who gave me encouragement in saying "it will happen". Ya'll were right, 'cause it really did happen.
Unfortunatly in all the excitement I forgot to hit the record button on the scope so there is no video from it. Sorry. But enjoy the photos and small videos recorded by the game camera at the site.
-gg[/img]IMG_20201101_091720508 by Gobbler Getter, on Flickr

IMG_20201101_091851496 by Gobbler Getter, on Flickr
Wow, just Wow and Hallelujah! That is so cool, and knowing how much you wanted to get one makes it all the more special. Pretty coyote too, and he looks bigger than 31 pounds. Those are some good pictures too. I don't know how you could have done any better. Next time you'll remember to hit the record button, but we've all forgotten to do that in the adrenaline rush. Welcome back aboard. We've missed you GG.

GG, ditto to what DoubleUp said - WOW! We all know how much you have wanted that coyote, and we kept thinking / hoping it would happen eventually, and it did. I know you are on cloud 9 because I have been there. We are all pleased to see this happen for you. That is a big coyote, nice rifle and scope too. Congratulations. Let's just hope another shows up before long and you will have an encore.

As a follow up on my previous inquires about how to remove the glow from the sensors, well I am indebted to Baitpile for the suggestion of using red RTV. I picked a tube up at Tractor Supply today and just a few minutes ago did the work on two sensors. It works great and no glow at all that I can see. Just what I have been wanting. Baitpile, you are the man and I appreciate it. Below is a tutorial of what I did in case anyone else is wanting to do the same.

Red RTV used to cover the light.


This is the "1 By One sensor." It has a small light on the front of it that needs to be covered too.
I have been using electrician's tape but a good part of the body of the sensor illuminated as well
as the window, so the tape didn't help all that much. I placed some of the red RTV in the hole in
the front of the sensor, then placed tape over it.



This is the back of the unit after removing the batteries and cover.


I removed the screws holding the front and back together and opened it up. The arrow points to
the little deal that flashes light causing the unit to illuminate.


I applied a good dose of red RTV, covering the entire light all around including the wires
somewhat so that no light can get out.


For testing, I went into a dark room and tripped the alarm - total blackout, so now I should be
good to go for future coyotes. Again thanks to Baitpile for the information. That's what I like
about this forum - everyone shares information and helps. This thread has been a learning
experience for me.

Gobbler...what can I say except CONGRATULATIONS!!! "Wow" with everyone else!! You have been after a coyote for a long time and you got r done!! A beautiful coyote as well...OUTSTANDING!!!

06, that looks great and glad it worked for you. Mine were just a bit different in that my LED was right on the circuit board. But, I think it is still not a good idea to cut those wires as you never know what kind of circuitry and milliamp stuff they have going on in there. You done good!!! Now, lets test em out and see what the response is from the coyotes
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Hey thanks guys for the accolades. That certainly was a branding event for me. I'm still floating....and looking forward to the next encounter.

I too have a light that flashes on my Chamberlain sensors. I've noticed new fox that come in are at first startled by it, but then get use to it. I noticed in the first video in my last post, the coyote jumped back at one point and I figured he had seen the light flash on the sensor. At least he didn't run, for me to really show him the light! Lol.
Hey gg, congrats on the coyote. Under the circumstance of it being your first MD coyote, we will let the "no video" part slide. Just try not to let that happen again lol.
False alarm by jrhranch, on Flickr

Well...get all excited with beepers going off...and this is the action. Hope this is not what my season is going to consist of!! Just thought I'd give the thread some viewing pleasure.
Note: Camera date is wrong. My camera is tilted way down at an angle and my batteries will snap loose occasionally. Have to reset the date/time quite often. Maybe a piece of foam rubber in the case or something to hold them tight.

Bait, I have had similar problems in the past. One neighbor about 1/2 mile away had about 9 or 10 dogs that he let run loose. They ran the mountains in a pack, chased deer and were a real pain. Even went in my barn and got deer scraps that I had planned to bait with. Thankfully they were taken and distributed to people who adopted them. It was a real problem for a while. Hopefully these will leave you alone.

BP - yep, I had two big white dogs hitting one of my piles last year, like everyday and night. I even fired a warning shot off once but they came back. Should they return this year, I've got the red pepper ready. Figure on sprinkling it on the bait. Yea, the predators won't like it either but after a rain, it should wash most into the soil. Worth a try.
I've never had an issue with dogs...ever. So, I guess its my turn. We'll see, maybe they all went home. Stay after em everyone!!
Pretty coyote GG, congrats on the hard earned prize, I know from experience how few and far between they are, we are all not as lucky as Double Up to live on a coyote highway. I just bought and put out yesterday a new Hosmart sensor on DU's recommendation. It doesn't have a red indicator light but does emit a slight glow from the sensor. I just taped off the LED on my old sensor (modified drive way alert) and never paid attention to the sensor glow. Can the glow on the Hosmart be eliminated?

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