Originally Posted By: KrockusSo far with dog food and some fryer grease this is what got caught on cam. Possums, red foxes, skunk, feral cat. I know I got coyotes here because I shot them here. Maybe they don't like the RK dogfood along with the fryer grease. Might have to cook a lot of bacon up and get some grease from that. Been about a week so far..Dan
Sounds about like my bait area Krockus. I've been feeding the critters, especially coons, possums, fox for the last 3 years and they look like it. I've found it take time for the yotes to find it, then it takes time for them to decide to come in and visit on a regular basis. I record their arrivals by time and date and put it on my calendar. Once they start coming by on a regular basis (like 3-4 times) then I hunt. I've also found looking back at my calendar, that a lot of the times they'll hit the bait area then not show up for 2-3 days then repeat. Seems like its every other day or every 3rd day when they actually become "regular" visitors if that makes sense. Could be that they figured out that a lot of them get whacked and are pretty cautious about over-committing their exposure into what I call the "kill zone".
I look at it as a long-term, never ending process and thats why I monitor the dates and times of their arrivals. It never ends because once I knock one down another one (or two) show up fairly soon thereafter. The more I've been at it the more in tune I get with their behavior. But.............then again, once I think I have them figured out they'll throw a curve ball and change everything I think I've come to know. I reckon that what makes it challenging.
I use dry dog food (Ol' Roy) and sometimes throw out table scraps or a can of sardines and the nasty juice that comes with them. I also have a big tub of bacon grease and occasionally microwave a bit of that and throw it out there, mixing things up a bit. Not sure how much it helps but I know this --- bait them and they will come.
Watch the critters when scanning, especially the coons and foxes. They know waaaaayyyy before me when a yote is in the area and take off like all getout. Early warning system....