
Dozer, I'm glad you corrected that sentence. I was awfully tempted to ask you why you threw the dachshunds on the bait pile.

I guess that would have prevented them from killing chickens! "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."
Got a call at daylight this morning from a turkey hunter (youth day) in the back of the field behind my house. He said there was a big coyote out in the field. By the time I got my bearings, and got the rifle ready the coyote was about 450 yds. and I didn't know for sure where the turkey hunter was located. 450 is a little beyond my comfort range with thermal so I passed on the shot.

He showed back up a little before 10 tonight and took one to the heart. Big male.

IMG_0622 by Double Up, on Flickr

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This afternoon I walked back in the field to see if I saw any fresh tracks, and I saw a set of fresh prints that were made after the rain last night, but probably later in the night or maybe just before daylight as they didn't mire in much at all.

I put out a few scraps and about 8:30 I decided to scan the field and there was a coyote out there, but much farther back. She was going to the south and almost got into the woods. I didn't want to blow a shot so I just waited and she turned around and came back across the field. I killed her at 285 yds. laser ranged, but unfortunately for some reason the DVR didn't get it recorded. That's such a disappointment and it was a beautiful DRT shot. Anyway here is a couple of pictures. Light colored medium sized female.

IMG_0625 by Double Up, on Flickr

Picked her up with the meat wagon.

IMG_0626 by Double Up, on Flickr
DU, being that you are a leading supplier of quality entertainment here, most of time lol, we will let this one missing video slide. DANG fine shooting again!!!
Week, trying to make up for my short comings! Sneaky Wiley is now one down. I fell asleep in my recliner last night and woke up just before 2 A.M. I decided to scan the field to see if Wiley had made an appearance. I saw what I thought was one coming up the edge of the woods about 500 yds. out, but while I was waiting for it to be certain, Ol' Wiley comes in from the field beside my house to the south and proceeds out to where I have the scraps in the field. He met the Acme Safe Company shortly thereafter.

I left him until this morning and just went and got him about 6:30. He is a little bedraggled because it rained on him earlier this morning, but he is just as dead. Fairly good sized male. Don't know where the other one coming up the side of the field went, and wasn't absolutely sure it was a coyote. Video will be short when I get it uploaded. Range 160 yds.

IMG_0635 by Double Up, on Flickr


Was hoping the black coyote would come back tonight, but I guess it wasnt meant to be. This one showed up nonetheless so I had to do what I had to do.


Will post some pics tomorrow. Young male. 70 yards. 223 Nosler 40gr BT blew right through him. Made it 10-15 yards from the impact.
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Burn, you have your settings on private, so it can't be viewed. You need to change to public. Congrats! How are you liking the 40 gr. Nosler BT's?
Originally Posted By: DoubleUpBurn, you have your settings on private, so it can't be viewed. You need to change to public. Congrats! How are you liking the 40 gr. Nosler BT's?

Roger that DU. Thanks, try this

The 40s are doing ok but the last three I've shot seem to run a bit further than when I was using 55gr. Might step up in bullet weight and gather some more real world data for a bit...

Young male I'd say


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You got it that time. Light coloring on that coyote. Looks like a heart shot. I almost always seem to have them running dead on their feet on heart shots. Bad thing is if heavy cover is nearby you may lose them.
Originally Posted By: weekenderGood job Burns. Gathering that data is the fun part of our "job".

Thanks all. Sighted in today with Black Hills 77gr ammo. If I can get the black coyote to show up again, we'll let the testing begin...