Greetings fellow baiters...long time since I've posted!!!! I am still alive and running the bait hardcore. I could give all kinds of excuses, but truly, just got lazy with the keyboard and lazy on picture taking!! We all love the pics!! I have been following along and enjoying every bit of it. Ended last season with 11 and still running this baiting season with an 11 count. Hoping for a couple more yet. Congrats to all of you guys on a great season going!!! Also, welcome to the new guys to the thread!! 06, Gobbler, Doubleup, Weekender, Pmack will all keep us going!!! Thanks guys for keeping this thread alive!!! I've been switching up some calibers and playing with loads...built a very nice 6X45 last fall. You know...all the stuff we all do to have fun. No earth shattering stories, as I am still running my original bait sites. Added a new sensor last year, seems to be working well.
Just wanted to jump on and say hey and that I'm still following you guys regularly!!!! Great job everyone on this season...absolutely a spectacular thread!!!