
Weather was bad here last night with rain on the way so I decided to call from the back yard. Didn't see or hear anything at all while calling. I had one red fox that showed up last night around 9:35 I think or about an hour after I quit calling. Then the coyote(s)moved their time up to about 2:00 last night from 4 to 5 the previous two nights. Only the female came to the bait pile. I did have a video from another camera at the back of my yard that showed her crossing the field and the male following behind her.

Here is the fox.

MFDC5548 by Double Up, on Flickr

And here is the female coyote from last night.

MFDC5558 by Double Up, on Flickr

I normally have two grays and two reds every night as well as possum and coon. I did shoot the possum last night with the 17 hmr. Needed to leave enough food for the coyotes to get some. Going to have to remove the coon as well.

Seems your baitsite has picked up, DoubleUp. Possums are a pain when running a site. There seems to be a never ending supply of them at my place. The fox can sometimes be a pain too. I have an occasional coon but not enough to really bother.
I love the 17 hmr for possums. I don't have a pellet gun but sounds like I might need one only problem is I don't think it will work at 100 yds. Lol
A hit is a hit GG

I got a shot at a yote 2 nights ago. In the cross-hairs, nice easy trigger squeeze, boom....yote runs off. Trail cams caught the whole thing and after finding no evidence or yote after a thorough search with the hound dog I have to chalk it up to a miss. Went to the range to check zero and my bullets were hitting about 2 inches low at 50 yards. Probably not enough for a miss but weird things happen sometimes.

Sooner or later he'll be back and make a mistake...
I was watching a gray fox that had triggered the alarms and noticed the deer in the field getting nervous acting. Just after 7 P.M. a pair of coyotes rolled in. I decided to take the sure shot which was the female. The male ran but is still well out in the field waiting for the female. I went out and picked her up with the truck with no lights. He was still out in the field. I'm sure he'll come back looking for her. Just hope it won't be too late when he does. Here is the female.

IMG_0462 by Double Up, on Flickr

Here is the video.

Hard for them to take the Parvo DU. Dang that high price chicken got another one.

The "Hammer" laid the smack on a 34.12 lbs male about 9 tonight. We are having rain and sleet. Brought the coyote to the house for a pic with the shooter. Both bottom canines wore or broke off. This coyote had some serious BO, thus the gloves for my wife.



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You guys are really putting them down. Congrats to everyone.

This lying around the house is killing me but it's now been a month since my hernia surgery, so maybe I will be able to hunt some. The biggest issue for me now is the almost constant rain. Makes getting about on the farm and rebaiting difficult, not to mention trying to hunt on rainy nights.

DU - Once again congratulations, now get the other one.
Week - please tell Mrs. Weekender "nice shot!" Great pictures too! Thanks.
6mm - Geez, didn't know you were out of commission. Hope you are healing and feeling better. (Watch out coyotes, he has some catching up time to do!)
I know what you mean about all the wet weather. The ground is saturated....and more snow, sleet and rain falling today. The trail to one of my stands/ bait piles has not been accessible with my 4 wheeler since early last fall so I tote buckets of bait back in, walking on planks. Crazy!
Kay and I both were very surprised this last coyote was out there on such a crappy night. We have not had many rainy night coyote visits in the past. The ground is mush everywhere.

06, glad to hear you are feeling better and hope you can get back in the "shack" soon.