
Gobbler, that is a beautiful coyote mount.

I am not sure if Tony still hunts Texas or not. I was on his website recently and all I saw was New Mexico. VicFox on the forums here, visited me from Australia in 2011 and we hunted New Mexico with Tony. We also hunted Arizona for coyotes and Wyoming for antelope and mule deer. It was a great time hunting with a member from across the pond, and hunting with Tony too.
Originally Posted By: DoubleUpG, that is really a nice looking mount.

I will 2nd the above, but I will never admit how many dozen times my cameras have been not turned back on when I went to check them. Ya'll would say I was lying.
Originally Posted By: gobblergetter
My notorious senior moments are when I change out the SD card in the camera but forget to turn the camera back on. Or, I forget to put the clip in the gun, only to realize that after I've walked 1/4 mile to my stand. Classic.

Just forgot to turn one of the cameras on yesterday. My senior moments seem to happen and the most crucial times.

Don't forget to add in Murphys Law to the mix. Friday night I wasn't home and had a coyote visit for the first time since September. He and a red(s) were back several times from 8PM to 6AM. I unfortunately wasn't home and didn't turn the alarm on Friday.

Saturday night, freshly baited with scraps I'm on the edge of the couch watching football waiting for the alarm that never goes off. I finally wake up around 4 and it's still never gone off so I turn in off to keep the peace. Luckily I only left one of the cameras off and my fox visits didn't start till 5AM.
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Pmack, risk the peace - leave the alarm on. If you need to, pull the senior card and say "I forgot" Lol.
Nice coyote by the way. Seeing your video and bait pile, I have a question for you and everyone else on here to weigh in on.
Do ya'll place your bait at the stake a certain way? Meaning behind or in front of the stake from your shooting location.
Since alarm didn't go off all night I worried battery was dead. I had pulled the cameras and had the reciever on the deck checking all was working. Fox shows up at 1030AM to rub more salt in my wounds.

GG, I angle my sensor forward, it almost seemed to have a blind spot down low when I set it up level. It's off to the side and can't be seen from my shooting position.
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I don't get enough coyotes to worry about the bait being dragged off. I thought you were talking about the stake holding the sensor.
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The majority of fox that come in and actually feed seem to always be facing me. More than likely they've picked up my scent and are keeping a watchful eye. Lately I've been putting the fresh bait in front of the bait stake and moving the older bait more to the back. In theory, when they feed their eyes would be facing away from my direction making them less apt to see any of my movements or scope light splash. Curious if anyone else has thoughts on this. As a side note, I hunt close, 30 to 40 yards.
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Gobbler, my bait site is 60 yards and on a hillside. The coyotes and red fox always approach the bait from the uphill side due to the prevailing wind I suppose, but also I wonder if they prefer taking the high ground when approaching since I feel certain the wind doesn't always blow in the same direction all the time. My path of aim allows for broadside shots most of the time since the shack is 90 degrees in relation to the bait and approach. It works pretty good.

Also, when I wire bait to a stake I generally place the bait either up hill or down hill. I can tell from a distance if something has tugged on it.
I usually put carcasses 90* to the stake but the coyotes tug pretty hard and move them around. Tonight, this coyote was tugging on a deer carcass but also peeking up to the house as well. Mine is 90 yds. This one made it about 3 ft into the brush but was spewing blood. Mangy, no fur to put up on this one.



6- I'm familiar with your setup and it makes sense to wire up the way you do for a broadside shot.
I'm adding goose carcasses this week to 4 of the 6 stations. Those seem to be the creme de la creme for all predators here and B.O.P. too, unfortunately.

Originally Posted By: Burnsome... I forgot to hit the record button on the scope. One of these days I will remember.
Yep, been there, done that. I also did the opposite and wasted time getting the recorder going, causing me to take a less desirable shot on that coyote posted about three pages back. I missed the best shot opportunity when he stopped for a few seconds before retreating.
