Originally Posted By: 6mm06Gobbler, does the X-Sight zoom in increments / stages or is it a continuous zoom? Also, at what point above the base mag of 3x do you lose real clarity? Is the scope clear at around 6x or 7x?
Not sure you have or have used a Photon, but if you have, how would you rate the X-Sight to the Photon, specifically in brightness?
Appears to me continuous. You can choose 2 different zoom settings: standard or extended. Extended zoom gives an electronic zoom of 10X the optical zoom. 3-14 in extended zoom becomes 3-30x but considerable pixilation is to be expected.
On standard zoom, I'm not sure where I loose clarity. I'll try to pay attention to that next time I use the scope. When I'm hunting I don't mess with settings on it really, besides I need ALL the FOV I can get. I have not used a Photon.