
Hey! That's great news. Now we know for sure. I truly appreciate you going to all the trouble of checking into that for me. I'll probably end up buying on line but also want to check with one of our local stores just to see what they might have as well. Once again, thank you David.
6, I got a 10 Pak of CCTV male end cables (5.5mm x 2.1mm) and 4 12v. batts. I think I'm in business. Moultrie Camera powered up just fine. Running 3 cameras, this should save some $$$ on disposable batteries. Thank you.
Any info./advice from anyone on storing 12v. batteries when not in use? Store fully charged or not? Help please.

Gobbler, great. That sure beats $14 for each plug.

I keep my 12-volt batteries charged all the time when not in use. I think it's better to do that rather than to let them run down. In the field after some use (maybe a couple of months) I switch out batteries and take the old one home and recharge it. I always keep a couple of batteries charged and on hand for when I need them.
6, Yup, 4.95 for all 10 on eBay. At least I have plenty of back ups. When I decide to take my cameras down, I'll give them all a good full charge.
Any yote activity over your way?
A couple of friends of mine left this morning for their farm in VA. They said they have been hearing coyotes howling at their place. They were taking a coyote rifle and a cooler full of pigs feet. Lol! I wished them luck.

Well, if pig's feet won't do it then nothing will. LOL. My Grandmother used to love them, so I can't see why a coyote wouldn't too. Maybe the guys will eat some of them on their trip and share some with the coyotes too. LOL.

Yep, I have a coyote that has been visiting lately. It hasn't returned two nights in a row now for about a month. The last two visits were on the 26th and 30th, early morning from 2:00 to 3:30 AM. At the moment I don't have time to hunt it, plus I have been down with a cold that just keeps lingering.

We are leaving for the Georgia hog hunt this coming Thursday morning. Maybe after we return home I can find some time to stay at the cabin and hope the coyote comes that night. Problem is, it doesn't come often, but at least it is still visiting after a few days each time. I want to use my Bergara .308 and the Photon on this one.

I saw this coyote crossing the plowed field behind my bait pile at about 11 last night. I watched her cross the field and then come up the woods edge hunting. I thought the way the wind was she might catch the bait scent on her return trip and sure enough before too long the alarm sounded. The video explains the rest. This was a dark female heavily rubbed on her sides. That's what makes her look two-toned in the thermal.

The thermal wasn't as sharp as usual. There was a lot of humidity in the air which always seem to hamper definition in thermal.
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Originally Posted By: 6mm06
Well, if pig's feet won't do it then nothing will. LOL. My Grandmother used to love them, so I can't see why a coyote wouldn't too. Maybe the guys will eat some of them on their trip and share some with the coyotes too. LOL.

Yep, I have a coyote that has been visiting lately. It hasn't returned two nights in a row now for about a month. The last two visits were on the 26th and 30th, early morning from 2:00 to 3:30 AM. At the moment I don't have time to hunt it, plus I have been down with a cold that just keeps lingering.

We are leaving for the Georgia hog hunt this coming Thursday morning. Maybe after we return home I can find some time to stay at the cabin and hope the coyote comes that night. Problem is, it doesn't come often, but at least it is still visiting after a few days each time. I want to use my Bergara .308 and the Photon on this one.

Good luck on the hog hunt, standing by for video.
Awesome DU!!! Nice to still see some baitpile activity in April!!! Nice video!!! Hoping for at least one more off mine yet this spring.
Thanks fellas.

It has really been a strange year for my bait pile. I killed one in early August here in the yard eating pears and then went until late January this year without a single coyote showing up at the bait. It was discouraging to say the least. I know how 6mm06 feels sometimes. It was a lot of work for a lot of months with no payoff. Since January, I've killed 6 on the bait pile and called another one that I killed in the field behind my house. So it was quite a turnaround. Persistence is the key, but anyone who thinks baiting is easy, has never done it.

Certainly I don't think it compares with calling as far as the thrill of fooling one, but even though most of the ones we kill are called, I still like to keep the bait pile going just to give the deer, turkeys, and rabbits a break around the house. Sure glad I live in the country.
Hey 6mm, in reference to your Bergara .308...did you have any copper fouling issues during break in and the first 100 rounds. I have TERRIBLE copper fouling in my 6.5 CM. I have never seen copper fouling like this!!! I'm talking 3-6 rounds and the bore looks like the "yellow brick road". I have been soaking the bore in Gunslick and cleaning and cleaning, just hoping for improvement as the lands shine up some. Hopefully this will cure itself and be a usable rifle!!!
6mm is on a hog hunt in Georgia. He may check in sometime tonight and answer your question. I believe he told me that his Bergara cleans up really easily.

I took this male around 12:30 last night.

Thanks DoubleUp, forgot about the hog hunt.. Frickin Awesome on the April Yote!!! My beepers are on!! Yah...the Creedmoor is driving me crazy with copper. Never ever seen copper like this before, and hoping it will come out of it. 3-6 shots a crack ain't any good!!!Keep after the spring the video!!!


I'm back from the hunt (successful and will post it up later), but to the issue of copper fouling, I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary. I haven't cleaned the rifle for a while though and probably need to. It's shooting sweet at the moment. I have been shooting the Barnes 150 gr. TSX and the 130 gr. TTSX.

DoubleUp, nice job as always.
Thanks 6mm. Mine is terrible for copper!!! Just hoping it will improve with more break in...right now, probably have to clean every 6-8 rounds...I mean soak with copper solvent. Makes it hard for load work up!!
Was the hog taken with the Bergara .308? Waiting for the pics!!


Yep, I took the hog with the Bergara .308 and I got the shot on video while using the Photon. I and took a daytime movie (with my video camera) of my son taking a hog at around 225 yards plus. He used his elephant gun of a CZ 550 in .375 H&H and a 260 gr. Nosler Accubond that completely penetrated and broke both shoulders. Once I get the video edited and uploaded to YouTube, I will post it.

6mm and pmack...on the Photon's...been doing some reading and know you guys are having good luck with them. What would you guys say to an honest max range for good IR and quality sight picture? I see in some research I have done, that some guys are adding an additional or different IR emitter for more light at distance. Is the stock set up with the onboard IR good at 200 yd? An honest reliable/repeatable 200 yd sight picture with enough light? I think 200 yd would cover all of my needs, but just curious on some real world application. Also, would say an open field vs a dark wooded shooting lane change distances that the IR would be good for? Thanks for any input!!!