
It should jump back up into the 20's soon. But right now with this wind blowing it gives the illusion that it is snowing 24/7. Ears are taking a beating just walking through the parking lot to my truck lol.
Kinda chilly here, too. Teens below zero to start the days lately. The coyotes are hitting the bait almost exclusively at night now...very shy they are. And, work M-F allows me to watch only a short while morning and evening. So, if they can't play fair, either will I! Deployed a couple snares last weekend.
Need opinions
Looking to buy a wireless Motion sensor for my bait pile. Chamberlin or Dakota?
I've been looking at the Dakota DCMA 2500. Also needs to work well in cold temps
My range from bait pile to my shack varies from 100 yards to 200.

I am also interested in a MURS unit. These seem to work better in colder temps.

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not bad here Up North ...... I am still thinking about K9's coyote and what a difference a year makes. Been sloooooow here tracks in the little dustings we have been getting. Fresh snow now hopefully not a lot. This weekend hpefully put out some fresh bait, I should have done it last weekend but did not have a pallet to do what I wanted. I do now.....I hate wasting bait on the scavengers especially when coyotes are slow.
I hear ya about the bait-stealing scavengers DD. I have a terrible problem with crows...and a couple eagles. The best crow repellent for me has been a dead crow near the bait. They don't come back until that dead one gets carried off! lol. It's a temporary victory that I know I'll fight again...
Keeps the trigger-finger/eye coordination sharp...oh yeah! 6 for 6 this winter - 3 coyote, 3 crow.

Originally Posted By: K9SNIPER I have a terrible problem with crows. The best crow repellent for me has been a dead crow near the bait. They don't come back until that dead one gets carried off!

Yep, a dead crow at the site will keep others away for a while. Problem is, I can't seem to keep a crow
there for more than a few days at best, sometimes it's gone within a day. I have trail camera videos of
hawks, possums and a coyote getting mine.

As to the bait itself, crows, ravens, hawks and buzzards are a real problem, as are possums.

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Glad to have you onboard BobM, we'll be interested in your experiences and setup. We also like pictures. Welcome, and feel free to join in with your knowledge and opinions. The guys here in the baiting thread are real helpful.
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Welcome BobM. Just jump in and hang on. There's always something to learn on this forum. It is forever evolving, and as DoubleUp mentioned, we look forward to hearing how you go about it.

Welcome to the addiction bobm. With enough coyotes, bait, and desire, it's a great pastime to lose sleep over! Morning is better by far for me...very early. Good luck!
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I finally got to add to the bait pile today. I took a bunch of beef trimmings and added to the deer rib cages that were staked in place. To slow snatch and run scavengers and crows I used a pallet laid on top of the pieces. Have not tried this before, it should be interesting to see what happens. also added a little bacon fat. While I was at the site the track activity was way up, few bird tracks, and quite a few fox and coyote tracks. I grabbed the SD card out of the camera thinking there would finally be some pics. ....nothing. only pics were me putting out the bait and pallet. Finally time to pull the plug on this camera and put out another... tired of fooling around with it.
dd, maybe they were the ghosts of coyotes and foxes past!
Seriously, nothing more frustrating than trail cameras. About all 6mm and myself try to do is get enough of them out there that one "may" trigger and show what visited. Sometimes they work perfect and then there are the other times.

Bobm, you'll need to upload your pictures to something like PhotoBucket and then you can link them here.
I'm still trying to get over a miss this morning. My fault, dangit. Thinking he was gonna bug-out, I rushed the shot. From the tracks, it appeared he was still picking up speed after 150 yards!

Yep, I run two cameras at the bait site, set a few feet apart and having different views of the area. It's amazing sometimes how they work, or don't. Sometimes one camera will capture a scene and the other not. Sometimes neither get the bait thief. In general though, both cameras work pretty darn good.

As I have mentioned previously, I am using a Moultrie M880 and Bushnell Trophy Cam HD at the bait site. These two cameras have served me better than any I have ever used. I set mine to record video and that seems to give me a better idea of how things are going at the site.
Agree with you 6, video gives a much better idea of what is happening. That's one thing that I don't like about the Browning. Night videos are limited to 10 sec. which really isn't long enough. I would rather have 30 sec. videos. I guess Browning limited the night video to help not kill the batteries, but I use a 12v external power source and so the 10 sec. is not a good feature for me.