Well I finally got some pictures, wide variety actually. Like I said I placed 35-40 pounds of deer scraps out Friday afternoon, started getting pics that night. First up was some weasel creature, i think its a pine marten but I am not sure. I think he would run in grab a peice and run away only to return 5 minutes later.
next 50 or so pictures were crows, tons and tons of crows. Does anyone have any advice on how to prevent crows from getting at the bait? EL Nino is really screwing up this winter so I have not been able to make meatsicles. Had a couple of deer walked by and they did not care at all that several of their relative's remains were laying right next to them.
That last to come in were the coyotes, I have pics of 4 separate occasions but none of them directly eating the bait, so I'm wondering if my sensor was angled too high.
The picture below is taken a few hours after the initial coyote picture and it is the only pic I got at that time, pay attention to his tail. Also notice that there is a pile of bait between the word "Sunday" and the time print.
Boring picture I know but I felt like posting it, you can notice that the bait is gone plus you can see a tail on the right side of the picture. I believe it is the same coyote from a few hours earlier however I have no pics inbetween.
Ok last picture I had and the only daytime coyote picture. While I was sitting in my truck looking at the pics on my laptop a local with a camp down the road drive by and yelled at me "The deer aren't here mother [beeep]," I didn't feel like leaving my camera in the woods near a pissed off local so I pulled it and will put it back up some where else tomorrow, hopefully with more bait. Hope you guys don't mind the flood of pictures but this is the most variety I've ever had.