
I'd have to look at the unit. It's a few years old. I ordered a newer unit last night that I'm hoping does better. I ran with info I found earlier in the thread with regard to antenna extensions, but in retrospect thinking I probably grounded the system out while extending the antenna and killed the batteries. I think the unit I had claimed reception up to about where I'm at for range, so I'm hoping the newer units claim of a half mile range hold true. I'll know soon. I'm running off battery power for the receiver, and suspect that decreases range a bit as opposed to being able to plug into a power source.
Coyotekilla- I shot those 2 Fox and the coon with a .223 rifle.

I stayed at the cabin again last night. A red fox showed up around 3:00 AM this morning. I got some video of him through the home-made night vision unit.

Here is last night's red. The possum and gray fox were from the last couple of times I stayed at the cabin.

Uncle Mike, I refreshed my main site with a deer carcass I had in storage and also added some deer parts a couple days ago.....nothing. I had put out my game camera a while back and it seems that since then the activity at the site has dropped off. The tracks are still around the area including my driveway but not at the bait site. I pulled the camera today maybe that will help.
6mm06 nice video.... top shelf as usual.
I hear ya dog driller. Tracks are there, they know the bait is there too. They are just eating the beef so I got a truckload today and will freshen it up after tomorrow mornings sit.I am thinking I am going to put a cam out just to see when they are coming and then remove it in a few days.
Hey 6mm 06 I will try to post some pics, NB really is a diamond in the rough. It just needs a talented gem cutter with some time and alot of polishing.

Yesterday after work, I went to my most promising bait to sit until dark and noticed alot of vehicle tracks. I kinda of knew what was up, the tire tracks went up to my blind, then directly across the field and circled my bait multiple times. I was kind of obliged at first that some one was so impressed with my setup they wanted to sit there (lol). But the more I thought about it bothered me. Not as much that someone is willing to let me haul meat scraps and try to rake the rewards, but I gained permission on account I would not drive through the field. This person did not care about the large signs.

I thought about it all night and decided to pull up stakes and move. I called the land owner who farms for living, he informed he has had issues with poachers/trespassers this year terrible. I have another spot I think I can gain access to.

Nearly all of january and no kills, frustrating. Febuary has always been my best month, luck and timing it will happen. The ups and downs make the fur worth it.

Originally Posted By: yotieaddict This person did not care about the large signs.

I think my blood pressure would go through the roof over that one.

Two days ago my son watched our farm from his house across the road, via binoculars, watched a woman and man block the driveway leading into our farm, go up to the gate, read the posted sign on the post, and then proceed to climb over the gate and walk around the farm. He phoned me and I was there in a heartbeat. I let them know full well that they better not do that again. My son was with me and talking to the Sheriff's dispatch while I confronted the tresspassers.

Seems it's a problem most everywhere. People have no respect for others or the property of others anymore.

I'm normally a forgive and forget kind of guy but when trespassers invade my land where I live or one of my hunting leases the hair stands up on the back of my neck and I'm ready to fight.

I work my butt off to own what I own and lease what I lease and there isn't much that [beeep] me off more than a trespasser and quite often they're thieves as well. GRRRRRR!!!!!!

Yep, we had a $300 trail camera stolen one time and the electronic part of a corn feeder busted up, apparently just for the fun of it.
cameras at a bait scare fox coyotes and wolves at first,fox get use to it quick coyotes and wolves take longer.Ive had wolves take 3 weeks before they got the nerve to take the bait.coyotes take a week give or take and then they could care less and eat away.
Hung a cam yesterday and checked it after this mornings sit. A coyote came at midnight, flash must have spooked him as I only got 1 picture. That's ok though, I kinda thought it would but I was curious to see if maybe I was missing something shortly after I leave my shack. This was a young, dark colored coyote. Im sure he will be back plus the snow is piling up here now. Next week should be good
I got this one last night about 10:30. This coyote and her mate have been very wary and will not come to the bait site. I had to place a deer carcass much farther out in the field at 240 yds. I didn't try to reposition the alarms or cameras, but kept hoping I'd see them out there at some point. I opened the window and had a look out when I got home from an unsuccessful calling episode at about 10:30. Both of them were just coming out of the woods into the field. That gave me time to get the dvr set up and connected to the Photon 4.6XT with doubler. This was a big female in estrus and she went right straight to what remained of the deer carcass. The shot was 241 yds with my 204 using a 35 Berger at about 3,900 fps. I was using the T-20 at 50% IR zoomed and had no trouble making the shot. At the shot she started to spin and I immediately started looking for the other one, but he high-tailed it out of there. Unfortunately something happened with the dvr recording and I didn't get the shot even though I thought I had.

Here you can see the entry hole where the blood made a spot at just about the diaphragm which I figured with the spinning. As you can see in the above photo there was no exit. The blood on the leg is just drip from the chest wound.

All in all I was very pleased with the Photon, the shot, and the T-20. 241 yds in the dark is a pretty good poke. The Photon with doubler made it possible and also allowed me to see the coyotes and identify them when they first came out of the woods about 300 yds away. Incidentally neither of them paid much attention if any to the IR lighting them up. Just wish I could have doubled-up on them and gotten the shot on video. Stuff happens though!
Good stuff Double up. I have a T20 also and am getting ready to assemble the Rolaids version homebrew. lol 6mm06 has helped me immensely on this project.

Yep, stuff happens for sure. It happens to us all, and mechanical things being what they are, often times let us down. Hopefully next time you will get a video. I'm looking forward to that.

Nice going on the coyote. The shot was pleasing no doubt. 240 yards is a long way, especially at night. Glad the Photon is working well for you.
Last night I got another coyote. a 35 lbs female.I hit her with a 25 gr. hollow point about 4 in. behind shoulder and she ran over 150 yd.I would not of found her it it wasnt for snow.Cant believe she ran that far. I opened her up she was pretty blown up and chest cavity full of blood.I think I need to start aiming much closer to the shoulder.Anyway Ive got 3 big coyotes pretty quick,wonder if anymore will show up.
Hows everyone's piles doing. 1 of mine has been getting hammered for about 6 weeks now. I have went through 7 whole roadkill deer, about 25#'s of old freezer meat divided into baitsicles a couple deer carcuses and a couple gut piles. Im starting to worry cause all thats left in the field is basiclly a hide and i havnt been able to find anymore road kills. was hoping to have the pile stocked up for a tourny next weekend.
Hey DoubleUp,

Looks like you and others are having good success this year - Congrats! I've observed little fur damage on coyotes with the 35 gr Bergers out of my CZ as well - they're definitely a fur-friendly bullet. As far as your 17 Remington goes, you might consider contacting Chan Nagel ( or 208-267-2860 ) to see if he is still making bullets. My buddy has killed a lot of critters with his bullets and experienced very little pelt damage over the years. He mostly shot coyotes - not sure how they will do on fox, but they might be worth trying out???

I've been using the 52 gr Berger Varmints in my Rock River, but I'm in the process of loading some rounds with the 40 gr Berger Varmints in attempt to reduce fur damage. In my part of the world we FINALLY have snow on the way, the full moon is near and I just mounted an illuminated reticle scope!!! Time to get the bait and cameras out :)