
This one has been coming sporadically for a couple of weeks now usually around 4 in the morning. Wednesday she visited at 6:30 P.M. and then missed Thursday night. Last night she was there at about 8:30 and again at 10:00. Unfortunately my batteries in the sending units were weak and I had to turn the alarms off to keep them from sounding constantly. So, I'm changing batteries today.

Click on the picture to play the 10 sec. video.

been a little quiet here only in the fact that i not gotten any shots other than missing the other week. changed the card in the camera after a couple of weeks and they have been coming in sporadically although i did get another pic of 3 ..not as good as the other i posted but definitely 3. picked up another property to hunt and bait. nice spot lots of yotes landowner does not hunt but has been baiting plus keeps a road plowed 3/4- 1 mile off the road with great terrain and open areas for night hunting on the snow, checked it out today plenty of fresh rabbit tracks. if i did not have so much to do today i would have been out there. i hope we score some hits on this property. only bummer about now is the warm weather with rain and fog.
Hi guys, not trying to get too far off topic but, my game cam that I use at my bait wont load pics to e-mail or photobucket. I have resized them to 4'x6' and have not succeeded in any way and don't know how to proceed. Any help would be appreciated. Was excited to share them here.
jkruger, I'm assuming they are loading on you computer okay. Is that right? What format are the photos in, most are jpeg. You shouldn't have to resize them for photobucket. Some e-mail programs limit the size of the pictures. Have you posted pictures from another source on Photobucket?

6mm06 will be along shortly and he's the Guru of pictures. I'm sure he can help you get them going.
Hey DoubleUp thanks for your reply.
Yes, they loaded onto my computer and are in jpeg format.
Have successfully loaded pics to pb from our other puter in the past but not this one. Those pics were resized .
jkruger, I load some pretty large picture files and AVI video to PhotoBucket without having to resize. Do you have DSL or some sort of high speed internet? What exactly happens when you try to load them? Computer freezes, website locks up, etc.?

Still waiting on 06, but he'll check in before the night is over I'm sure.

Well, DoubleUp is singing me too much praise. I'm no Guru at anything, but don't tell him that. Let him keep believing it. LOL.

What I do is to re-size my photos to a maximum size of 1000. I have my new camera set to take photos at 1920x1080. When I re-size the 1920 down to 1000, the other number (height) automatically adjusts to 562. My old camera was set higher at 4320x3240, and when I size it down it becomes 1000x750. It doesn't matter how large your camera is set for pixil size, but it just needs to be at least 1000 as a minimum if you want a good looking and properly enlarged photo to post. In other words, you wouldn't want a 640x480, that's too small.

For Photobucket, I size them down to 1000 pixils wide, which is the highest number. When doing that, the height will be automatically adjusted. Also, as DoubleUp mentioned, save them in JPEG format. They will load much faster that way and also will take less of your allotted space.

That's the way I do it at least. Give it a try and see what happens. If that doesn't work, then there must be another issue causing your problems.

we are finally on the scoreboard...a small female with the new mueller scope sitting on top savage 243 ..with remington 80 gr. .. 185 yds confirmed right on the money. the other gun i was having the scope issues with will be used for target practice for a little while to see if zero holds. it is my deer rifle so i won't need it till next fall anyway. the extra bait and really cold temps are keeping these coyotes around at early daylight. same scenario as the other day when i missed.....twice... this new setup with that mueller is really easy to like. sorry no pics yet.
Ok guys, we think this issue may have something to do with my wife being the administrator of the computer and a setting dealing with sending pics . will post when we straighten it out. Thanks .
Thank you for saying .... I thought I was going crazy I even checked my posts and what I thought was posted was not there in the file .. so i thought i hit cancel before i posted originally. Glad it is up and running now. To much good activity to lose this site.

First kill off my bait pile for 2014. Used a bait pile of chopped up hot dogs. Coyote kept coming in grabbing a bite and running off. Would never hold still. I eventually covered the bait with Pine boughs so he'd have to dig through it. Did the trick.
Great, and glad your plan paid off.

Welcome to PM and the Baiting Thread. You'll find lots of good info here and people who will try their best to help you. Looks like you're doing pretty well right now.
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Welcome jlc. Nice going on the coyote and coon. You did good at figuring how to hold the coyote a bit longer for a shot. That is pretty typical from what I have seen. They are generally nervous at the bait, some worse than others. Good thinking on the pine boughs.

If you don't mind, tell us about your shooting setup and how you went about it, what load you used etc.

I see your rifle is suppressed. That's something that DoubleUp and I have both discussed for our CZ 17 Rems. I would love to have that little rifle suppressed.

Thanks all for the advice. I've learned a lot from this thread. Seems like this time a year all that are left are the smart coyotes and calling doesn't seem to work. Never even considered baiting until I found this thread. Been baiting with hot dogs, table scraps and dog food and have taken three coyotes now. The gun I'm using is a Colt carbine in 223 with a liberty Infiniti suppressor. I'm shooting a 40gr V-max downloaded to around 2800 FPS. All shots have been bang flop kills. The suppressor is really nice to have. Not necessary but it's nice to be able to shoot from inside the house without hearing protection.

This baiting thread has literally opened up a whole new world for me. Plus it's cool to see all the things that show up to the bait pile.


Nice jlc. Thanks for sharing that. Seems you have a very good start with baiting already. Three coyotes is pretty darn good, and the 40 V-Max are working great. You are right about the joy of checking the cameras and seeing what visited. To me, that's at least half the fun if not more.