
6mm06, Wallbass45
thanks for the reference I had not seen Mueller illuminated-- will check them out. I know what you mean about the crosshair being lit. I had looked through one at a gun shop and thought that might be a problem and left it. At night my eyes don't pick up the crosshair real well and thought the lone red dot might be the ticket. I have shot at a yote at night --- taken one shot in the last couple years and had a couple others that I just could not see the cross hairs. just trying to shift the odds more in my favor. Would love to get a driveway patrol set up going but I am afraid I would never get any sleep. last winter i was using my game camera and logging the times when they were showing up and trying to get a clear night to go out and sit. last year I could not get everything to line up right between the moon cloud cover and weather plus I did not have a lot of time. The year before worked a little better.
Right now with cold weather coming and my bait supply picking up I am getting a little excited for the season. Seems as though we have another new predator in the area --- big cat-- and not the domestic variety. We have had them around here before with little problem. In the last few weeks reported sightings are up and there was a calf that was killed. Not sure how big the calf was but I am guessing for this time of year it was pretty good size and would have taken something with some good speed to take it down. Don't think it was coyotes --around here they don't seem to bother cattle like they do out west. Also a little further away a horse got taken down by the neck from what I am told. Vet had to put it down -- he said never seen anything in such rough shape and still alive. good luck hunting

Good luck to you too, dog driller. I hope things work well for you this year.

If you have to sit somewhere and do the "waiting & hoping" game, well, that's pretty tough. Been there and done that. But, if you have or can come up with a warm place to lay your head and get some rest, and a place where you can shoot from, then you are in good shape and will drop come coyotes.

As to the big cat, we have them here too. Too many reputable people have reported seeing them, as well as some railroad engineers whom I have personally talked to. They have seen them cross the railroad tracks at night. The cats are elusive, but they are here I'm convinced, though in very small numbers.

Keep us posted on your coyote hunting endeavors.

Well my wife came through the surgery just fine and fooled the doctors. They didn't give her very much of a chance. I really appreciate all of your prayers, they really worked. The doctor that did the surgery said it was the most complicated work that he had ever done in his carer as a doctor. Thanks every one.

Jim (Cougar Jim)
That's Great News Jim !!
Jim that is wonderful news and obviously a big relief being a true blessing given the early expectations.

Although I have a great interest in this thread and follow it I must apologize that I didn't know of your wife's challenges but am very pleased that you have been able to report that things are heading in the right direction.

I hope that my prayers for her speedy recovery will make up for those I missed before her surgery.
Best of good health to you both.

The Lord is good all the time. All praise be to Him for seeing your wife through this ordeal.

Hope you are back now, Jim, though I'm sure you will be busy looking after your wife for a while.
Originally Posted By: Cougar JimThanks guys for all the support. My wife says I make a good house wife. I am even learning to cook LOL.
WOW!! Look out!!
That's great news about your wife. Glad to hear that she's doing better than expected. Sometimes it's good to keep the docs guessing, yes?

Nothing unusual happening around here. Nightly visits from fox, racoon, possum, and even a doe. Not all at the same time, or even on the same night, but they've all been captured on the camera. The yote has only been seen once more. The small spotlight doesn't seem to be bothering them, so I went out last night to do a little waiting. The wind started swirling from all around, so I'm sure they busted me. The only thing I saw was our cat. When I checked the card today, that fox was out there about 10 minutes after I went inside. Figures...

6mm, I may have an issue with my shooting lane. I made some progress today pulling and hacking on sticker vines and even a few wild grape vines. Isabel knocked down quite a few trees in my woods, and one of the really big root balls is directly behind the shed. I'm not sure of the range yet, but it is less than 50 yards, and I will not be able to see past it. It will make a good back-stop, though, if it is far enough away. I'll try to get a few pics posted tomorrow.

Well, 50 yards will work if need be. I sure would hate to have to move that tree root. You can make 50 yards work, but probably would be better to have it a bit further out. As you know, my site is only 60 yards from the cabin.
Thanks cozwurth, she is getting stronger every day.

I have been baiting again, Just putting out some table scraps and cat food. I have had about the same thing at my site. Fox, coon and deer. I believe it is to warm yet to expect very much. The critters are not very hungry yet.

I am trying a dusk till dawn light and it seems to be working pretty good thanks to doubleup. That was a good idea. We keep learning.

I am going to try to get a mountain lion this year. There are a few around here. Never had one to come to my bait so I am going to try calling one. I just ordered some Hornedy match 223 75gr BTHP. Does anyone think that would be enough for a good lion kill?

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Jim, I've shot some of the 75 bthp's at targets and they were plenty accurate, but never shot them on game. I think I might want to try them on something else before I attempted a cougar with them. All will depend on how well they expand and whether you have sufficient velocity for them to do more than pencil through. I don't know if you can find them, but a 65gr. Sierra Game King might give more consistent expansion. I know quite a few people have killed deer with them.

Sure glad your wife is continuing to improve, and best wishes on the cougar.
I have a small spotlight shining towards the bait at my place, too, after reading some of Doubleup's posts. Not a large light, but enough to show a little contrast and make the eyes glow.

Anyway, I took a couple of pics of the shooting lane.

This is a shot of the growth at the woodline.

This is inside the woodline, looking towards the downed tree.

This shot is from the downed tree looking towards the shed.

The vines look thinner from inside looking towards the light... Once I get an opening cut into the vines I can use the range finder to see how far into the woods I am. I may be able to rotate the lane a little to the right of the downed tree to get a little more distance, but that root ball will create a rather large blind spot.

Any way of getting a tractor or backhoe in there and moving that tree root? Looks like you've got a lot of cutting and trimming to do, but hopefully the effort will pay off.

The female coyote was back at my site last night, and also about three or four nights ago. She isn't coming every night, which makes it difficult to plan a hunt. It's luck of the draw more or less.

Here's a video clip of a few nights ago, and with a new Wildgame Innovations Crush 3, Wally World special.

Thanks doubleup, I only bought one box just to try. If they don't expand enough I won't use them on a cougar.

Cozwurth, your shooting lane looks very good. I wish mine had that much cover for the critters and I would see a lot more animals.

Jim, those 75's might be fine, but I still would want to try something like a coyote before attempting a cougar shot. What are you shooting them out of? I've shot them in an AR and a bolt action and they were really accurate in both. In fact, I still have about 500 of them just in case I need something heavy with a little more penetration for "emergency work". The Barnes TSX bullets have a real good reputation as stoppers on game if you have enough twist to shoot them.