Hey Jerry,
Welcome to the forums and to this baiting thread. There's a wealth of information in this thread, but it may take you a week to read it all. I would suggest that little by little you dig in and begin reading. I am sure you will find information that you can use or modify to suit your needs.
But, a quick answer to your problem - it's the same problem I had earlier and probably the same for a lot of other guys who bait, and that is the coyotes don't show when you are ready to hunt. As well, there's the long waits and tiring, sleepless nights if you try to sit up all night and wait. What most of us do is use sensors that will alert us when a coyote (or something) is at the bait site.
DoubleUp and I use the Driveway Patrol system and have had great results with it. It's cheap. I purchased mine through Ebay from a Florida vendor for something like $16.00. The sensors are wireless and operate on batteries. I use three sensors at a site, placed at various angles. That way nothing gets through without being detected. My sensors work on the same frequency, so I can use multiple transmitters at the bait site, and only one receiver back in the cabin. I hunt from a small storage building turned into a hunting cabin, insulated and warm, complete with a comfortable bed.
Since you hunt from a blind, you will need to modify the Driveway Patrol receiver to keep the alarm sound down. Go inside and clip the speaker wire, then run the wire to the outside by drilling a small hole in the front cover. Attach a 3.5mm female adapter that will allow you to connect a headphone or earbud. Warning however, the sound coming through is ear piercing, so you need to get a volume control device that goes between the receiver and the earbud (also found on Ebay and cheap). That way you can rest in your bunk or even your bed at home, and be alerted when something shows up at the bait site.
If you shoot from the window of your house, you don't need the modification to the receiver, but you may wake the Ms. during the night when it goes off. It's loud.
I'll try to find other posts in this thread pertaining to that and will attach it here later - if I can wade through all the pages and find it.
Good luck with the coyote hunting. Hang in there with this method. It will produce.
Jerry, here are a few pages to look at pertaining to the Driveway Patrol sensor.
Driveway Patrol
Bait Site Setup - Sensors
DoubleUp's explanation of how he modified the Driveway Patrol
Driveway Patrol Modification
Here's an example of just how well it works. I took these two coyotes the same night, using the Driveway Patrol to alert me, and a night vision scope.
Double coyotes in the snow with NV
The Driveway Patrol was modified for two different reasons:
(1) The antenna was added (DoubleUp's invention) to give added range from the sensor to the receiver.
(2) The 3.5mm jack was installed to eliminate the noise coming from the receiver speaker. That thing is loud when it sounds, enough to spook the heck out of a coyote if you hunt from a blind, or small cabin like I do.
I would suggest modifying for the headphone / earbud first, a rather simple procedure, and get the volume control device on Ebay. Give it a try at your site and see if it will work at the distance from your bait site to the blind or home. If it won't, then you need to add an antenna to give it range.
Once you get the sensors in place, then you can relax and have a good nap while waiting for Wiley to show up. When the earbud starts beeping, you will know something is at the site.