Baiting hogs with corn soaked in diesel fuel


I'm wanting to bait hogs and wondering what I should use. An old trapping buddy told me to put out feed corn soaked overnight in diesel fuel. He says it's a bait hogs love and that no animal will touch. Has anyone here actually does this and what's their opinion? How exactly does one go about preparing it? Does it really work as well as my friend says? Does it taint the meat of hogs that eat it.
I hunted a ranch years ago that had very few hogs and tried baiting. I soaked corn in water a few days in a 5 gallon bucket and let it sour just a bit, then dug a post hole in the (semi-sandy) soil and dumped the corn in the hole. I think the smell attracted hogs even when corn buried. Have since heard the diesel fuel works, but hogs plentiful where I hunt now so no baiting necessary. :(
Soak in water for a day or so, it’ll sour.
Like mentioned, dig a hole. I use post hole diggers and dig down about 3’ or more and pour in your corn. Scatter the rest around, not in a big pile. They’ll eat the scattered first then start rooting the buried corn.
I do it because it keeps them at the site longer and it gives me time to get there and get to killing.
YouTube has more recipes for corn baiting hogs than you have time to read. My favorite, when I bait, is 5 gallon bucket 3/4 full with corn, 1 lb. sugar and 1 liter of rootbeer and fill almost up with water. Let it percolate for 7 to 10 days. You will need a press fit lid for transportation. Oh yeah, bury as deep as you can with standard posthole digger, they will root it up!(y)
I do not advocate for diesel soaked corn, although I know some use it. Most birds don’t have a sense of smell and will eat it to their detriment especially turkeys.

If you are worried about other animals getting the corn use a pig pipe, or just use a creosote post.
I used to mix up a 5 gallon bucket of corn with Raspberry Kool Aid, Beer, and Yeast and let it ferment for a few days.

About as far as I go now is 30 lb bags of Apple corn from Walmart and that's more for my 69 yr old back than the corn smell.

Just drop corn and they will find it, they can smell food 10 feet deep in the ground.
I'm wanting to bait hogs and wondering what I should use. An old trapping buddy told me to put out feed corn soaked overnight in diesel fuel. He says it's a bait hogs love and that no animal will touch. Has anyone here actually does this and what's their opinion? How exactly does one go about preparing it? Does it really work as well as my friend says? Does it taint the meat of hogs that eat it.

If you already have hogs and you just want to bait them, just regular ol corn with nothing on it will work just fine. No sense in going through all that other trouble and time by adding this and adding that. People use diesel fuel to keep deer off the corn, not necessarily because it works at attracting hogs anymore than regular corn.

If you are trying to pull them to you then anything to sour the corn will work. This time of year you don't need to add yeast, beer, etc. Just put some corn in a bucket with a lid on it and the heat will do the rest.

If they are already coming in, a hog pipe can help hold them there a little longer and is fun to watch them use.

The best way to condition them to come in at a certain time is a timed feeder with plain corn. Start off throwing just a few seconds and then bump it up whenever they are starting to come around the time you want them to.

No Corn Protein pellets for the deer, pigs love it.

Same 1000# feeder with deer we fill it every 4-5 day's, I would say Pigs get about 1/2 of 1000# if not trapped or shot trapping does a much better job at reducing the # than shooting them, pig control is a full time job here with 54 of these 1000# feeders. Murl B.
If I was to shoot hog fed corn soured with diesel fuel I would not eat it! Problem with hog's they seem to eat pretty much anything. had a rancher here years ago that cut back on cost of feeding his by buying an old cancer cow and shooting it in the pen. I believe he's dead now.
Why allow hogs to get 500 pounds of protein a week? Lot cheaper to fence the hogs off the feeder.

$300 every 4-5 days per feeder. Got to be pretty well of for that. By my math that is about $22,000 per feeder per year. Maybe less if you are buying bulk feed.
Yellowhammer, We control the Hogs by trapping them and shooting them we have found the fenced feeders don't work as well as you would think, as far a expense goes, when you put protein in a free choice feeder you are feeding every thing from the ants up,pigs are about 10% of the critters eating out of the feeders and Pigs are not all over the ranch only in some areas in the West some of the feeders are 20 miles apart. Murl B.
Now that I'm back on public land, there is no baiting of any kind for deer or hogs. And after hearing the damage corn can do to the turkey population I don't think I'll ever feed corn again even if I do get back on a lease. Pellets can't be that much more expensive and will be better for the wildlife.